Ch. 1 - Father's Home

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Charlotte POV

Olivia and I have had a really good past few days here recently. We are excelling in school and are completely on top of our game during soccer practice. It's September, so we are in season right now and being in Arkansas it is extremely hot out. The reason we have been excelling so much is our father hasn't been home in a week. This means we don't have to deal with him getting drunk every night and hitting us. Ever since mom died 3 years ago he has become an alcoholic and abuses us. Not many know our story and we try to keep it that way, we can't risk being taken away and separated.

Olivia and I got home later tonight due to soccer practice running late, and the first thing we see when walking up the driveway is that father's car is in the driveway. This isn't going to be fun. I look over to my sister and you can see the fear in her eyes.

I grab her by the shoulders before telling her, "Go upstairs to our room immediately. I will distract him long enough for you to sneak by. As soon as you get to our room lock the door and do not open it until you hear me say waffles. You got it?"

"Charlie, I can't let you take the beating! He's been gone for a week, he's going to be pent up. At least if I'm with you then it will be less on you!" Olivia argues with me.

"Livie, this isn't up for discussion. I'm not always able to protect you, so when I am able to, that is my main priority. Do you understand? No matter what you hear, you do not come out of the room until I say waffles."

"Fine Charlie, but I'm not happy about this whatsoever." Liv counters back. We slowly make our way to the door, and when I open it, father is sitting on the couch with a beer.

*Trigger Warning*

"WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?!" Father yells towards us and I motion to Liv to run upstairs, thankfully she listens.

"We had soccer practice today dad. I'm sorry we are late, we haven't seen you in a week so I wasn't really expecting to need dinner ready for you." I snark back at him, which was a mistake.

He rushed towards me and put me in a chokehold up against the wall. My feet were a good two feet above the ground and I was starting to get lightheaded. "D-dad, I c-can't b-breathe." He dropped me to the ground and proceeded to kick my ribs. He doesn't usually go for the face since that draws too much attention, so I was surprised he choked me.

The beating wasn't as rough as I expected it to be, but still harsh enough for me to take a minute before I could get up. When I finally found the courage to stand, dad punched me in the jaw before turning around and yelling, "I EXPECT MY DINNER READY FOR ME EVERY NIGHT BY 5:30 SLUT!"

*Trigger Warning Over*

I quickly made his dinner and snuck some snacks in my pocket for me and Liv. We aren't allowed to eat at home, so I have to sneak food. I take him his food before going upstairs.

I knock on the door and say 'waffles' before the door opens immediately and Liv pulls me into a hug causing me to hiss. I notice she had been crying, "It's okay Livie, it's done for tonight. I'm okay. Here," I pull out the snacks I grabbed, "I know you have to be starving after todays practice. I'm going to go shower, keep that door locked."

I walk into the bathroom that connects to our bedroom and begin to strip. As I look into the mirror, I break down into tears. My skin had finally begun healing since I haven't seen him in a week, and now I'm already bruising from tonight's beating.

Collecting myself, I get the water to the right temperature before getting in to get rid of today's mess. During my shower, I had to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow morning and attempting to cover up my bruises. I have Make-up for my face and neck, but I'll have to wear long sleeves which will suck because it's supposed to be a heat index of 100 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow.

Olivia POV

Charlie always tries to protect me and all it ever results in is her being seriously injured. After being in the bathroom for awhile, she walks out looking a little bit better, although she's already bruising. Dad went for a face shot this time, that's rare.

"Here Charlie, I saved you some of the food." I offered to her. She shook her head before saying, "I'm okay Livie, I had some downstairs. You eat that, you're too thin and need it more." I know she's lying but I just nod. We're both thin, but she always insists that I need it more than her.

After we finish getting ready, we both lay down and go to sleep hoping tomorrow is better than today.

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