Ch. 6 - Team Bonding

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Olivia POV

We have team bonding tonight and I'm really excited! The winning team got to choose what we do, and since Char and I are new they basically let us chose.

We know it could lead to some not so fun conversations, but we decided on truth or dare because we want to know more about the team and their dynamic.

When I said they let Char and I choose, I mean I chose and told Char to deal. We're having it in Hope and Kelley's room so it's going to be jammed.

By the time we all got food and settled, Ash, Ali, Christen, and Tobin were on Liv and I's bed. Whereas Liv and I were sandwiched in between Kelley and Hope, me being closer to Kelley.

The rest of the girls who didn't get a bed, where on the floor or in chairs. Which Carli and Alex complained about because they're also a couple, but don't get a bed.

"Oh hush you two," "Hope called out to them, "Next time Preath gets the floor, but married couples always get the beds."

"Whose going first?" Rapinoe tells out. "I vote we let our young ones go first," Ash states.

Smiling, I go first, "Alright, Carli?" She hums at me, "truth or dare?" She smirks but picks truth. "how many people have you had sex with in this room?"

Everyone looked at me in shock with this question, but then everyone started chanting 'tell us, tell us!' 

"Hey now, there's only one person I love in this room and it's Alex so I don't think my sexual encounters of the past need to be brought up."

Char and I looked at each other before telling, "Hey! Aunt Carlos, that's not fair, you should at least love us too!"

Everyone stared at us with their mouths open in shock. Carli was the first to react and she immediately ran and jumped on us.

"You called me aunt!!" Carli screamed as she hugged us. Char started laughing, "I'm starting to regret it." Carli looked at her, "nope, no take backs! And of course I love you girls, I just meant Alex is the only one I'm in love with."

That made the whole room 'aww'. Carli got off of us and it was now Charlotte's turn and she turned to Hope. "Hopey?"

"Yes?" Several team members yelled out, "Wait, why does she get to call you Hopey and the rest of us don't?"

Hope gave them a death glare before saying, "Charlie, Liv, and Squirrel are the only ones allowed to, so deal." That quieted everyone.

Char continued, "truth or dare" and Hope responded Dare. "Impersonate Someone in the room and make people guess who it is."

Hope chuckled before getting up and impersonating Rapinoe by doing her signature stance whenever she has a successful goal or win.

Ash yelled out, "That's my Pookie!" Causing everyone to laugh when Hope nodded her head yes.

Charlotte POV

We have gone a few rounds of playing truth or dare until it was my turn. Rose was asking, "Charlie, truth or dare?"

Fearing what question she might have if I say truth, I went for dare. "It doesn't have to be on the lips since you're underage, but kiss someone in this room who isn't Hope, Kelley, or Liv."

I jumped up quick and gave Ash a kiss on her cheek and said , "Love ya Aunty Ash." Her mouth flew open before pulling me into a hug, "I love you too kid and I can't believe you called me Aunty!!"

I went back to my seat and we played a couple of rounds. Some were alright, some were scarring, like when Kelley was dared to give Hope a lap dance.

Though it was Liv's turn and she picked truth. Mal was asking, "So what exactly happened with your dad that Hope and Kelley are your guardians now?"

That made everyone freeze. Ash was the first to say something, "Mal I know you didn't mean it the way it came out, but that was not cool. They don't have to tell any of us anything if they don't want to. They are safe and that's all that matters. Say you're sorry, now."

Mal looked like she felt really bad and quickly apologized, but it was too late, Livie was already upset and curled into Kelley.

Ali announced that team bonding was over and Alex helped corral people out of the room. Before Ali and Alex left I got up to hug them, "thank you Aunt Ali," I said as I hugged her. I then hugged Alex and said, "thank you Aunt Alex." They both gave me a kiss on the forehead before saying they love me and left.

Ash was the last one out the door, "will she be okay?" She asked referring to Liv. I gave her a hug and said, "yeah, she'll be alright come morning. Thank you for sticking up for her. I do love you Aunty Ash." She kissed me on the forehead too before saying that she loved me and headed out the door.

I went back over to the bed, but Hope motioned for me to go to my bed and she followed me over there.

"What's going on?" I ask as we get settled into my bed. "She's really clingy to Kelley right now, so I figured we'd stay in your bed to give them space. I think she's asleep already though, and it's really hard for all four of us to sleep in one bed."

Hope POV

After we talked for awhile I went to turn away from her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, but she stopped me before I could turn over.

She didn't say anything, she just scooted closer to me and laid her head on my chest.

"Are you okay sweetheart?" She just shook her head no, so I took the risk and wrapped my arms around her. I didn't know how she'd react given her past, but she just snuggled farther into me.

"Okay, it's okay Charlie, just go to sleep," I tell her while stroking her hair. "It's Char," confused, I asked "what?"

"You can call me Char. Normally only Liv can call me that, but I trust you so you can call me Char."

Smiling I tell her, "okay Char, now get some sleep. I love you sweetheart." She smiled a little too before saying, "I love you too Hopey."

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