Ch. 36 - Cabin Fears

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Charlotte POV

This is the first time moms have really left Liv and I alone together and I'm not to sure how I feel about it. I feel that I'm too old to not be comfortable with being left alone, but it is what it is. Mom had us lock the doors when they left and we have just been on the couch since then.

Liv and I were both looking at our phones when the power cut out. "You alright Liv?" I asked, since it was now dark in the house.

"I'm good Char. Should we go see why the power cut out?" She asked me and I shook my head only to realize she couldn't see me that well.

"No it's alright. I'll go look, you call mama." I told her before using the flashlight on my phone to find the basement. Once I was down there I couldn't find the breaker box so I made my way back upstairs and out the back door to see if it was outside.

I walked around the porch of the cabin until I found the breaker box. There were a bunch that were flipped so I flipped them back and I noticed the lights in the house turn back on. When I turned around I was face to face with someone I never thought I would have to see again.

Kelley POV

Hope and I just got done shopping and are loading everything into the car when I get a call from Liv.

*Phone call between Kelley and Liv*

Kelley: "Hey sweetie, is everything alright?"

Liv: "Maybe? All of the lights went out in the cabin and Char went to go find the breaker box. She told me to call you guys to let you know."

Kelley: "I want you both to stay inside okay? The breaker box is outside, but it shouldn't have flipped on its own."

Liv: "Uhh about that. It looks like Char just went outside."

Kelley: "GO GRAB HER NOW! Stay inside and lock the doors. Mom and I are on our way now!"

Liv: "Okay mama, I love you."

Kelley: "I love you too sweetheart. We'll be home soon."

I hung up the phone and tossed everything into the back of the car before pushing Hope into the passenger side with me running to the drivers seat.

"What the hell is going on Kelley?" Hope all but yelled at me.

"The power went out at the cabin. That was Liv on the phone." I told her while speeding down the road headed back to the cabin.

"Okay? Maybe a breaker popped or something... Why are you so worried?" Hope asked still confused.

"I specifically had the cabin set up that if a breaker did pop or anything then the back up generators are supposed to kick on. If they don't kick on that means someone flipped the breakers themselves." I told her trying to control my emotions. Hope didn't say anything, but I could see the fear in her eyes.

Olivia POV

I just got off the phone with mama and ran outside to grab Char when I hear her utter two words I hoped to never hear again.

"Hi Dad," that was Charlie. I turned my phone on silent before texting mom. Knowing mama, she would be driving.

*texts between Olivia and Hope*

Liv: MOM! It's our dad! Please hurry!!

Hope: What?! We're almost there, are you okay??

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