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It's a day late but I just wasn't able to post. But it's been 5 years since seventeen debuted. It's only right that I come back.



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Wow, 5 years with seventeen. I always imagined reaching 17 years with them but 5 years is incredible enough. This book is also almost reaching it's 5th year this November.

I remember when I first discovered seventeen. Their songs kept me stable through so much hardship. Up until today, their songs make it easier for me to cope. This is why no matter how inactive I may be, they will always have a part in me that I can never let go of.

Can you all believe how fast time flies? Wow. I was 13 when I started this, even the first few imagine makes it obvious that I was young. Now I'm months away to reaching 18. LMAO. College is just around the corner.

I always thought of revising my imagines but then I wanted to see my improvement, so I left them like that. I'm reading comments and some parts of this book and I cringe at my past work. But it shows my progress so I should be happy because today I'm able to write better than before.

Thank you all for supporting this book! 200k everyone! Y'all be amazing! Now I'm back and I'm ready to write again! I'll see you guys soon! Melon-nim out!

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