Mingyu (Request)

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Requested by ohhnoona_

Third Person's POV

A thousand year
By: Christina Perri

Heart beats fast

The doors slowly opened as sun light slowly shone inside the church.

Colors and promises

The doors were opening more and you could get a glimpse of the bride looking down at her feet

How to be brave

The bride breathed heavily as she slowly lifts her head up seeing all the guests around her

How can I love

Finally the door were fully open. The groom smiled to himself as he saw his bride in the arms of her father from across the aisle

when I'm afraid to fall
Watching you stand alone
All of my doubts
Suddenly goes away somehow

And now she started to walk with her Dad. Slow and steady, every step she took takes her back to the past, remembering all the times they spent, every promises they accomplished, every sweet message he told her.

The groom was feeling the same, as she got closer, his breath gets uneven, his heart pounds faster, and his mind filled with memories of them together. And all the challenges they faced together as a couple.

Marie's POV

"Marie?" My father called when we started to walk

"Hmmm?" I hummed in response

"I just want you to know how proud I am for you, you graduated school, became a well known surgeon, got your family a new house, helped us travel the country, and now here you are walking towards the man you chose to love for eternity. I couldn't be more happy to tell you that I am truly proud of my daughter." he said looking at me. I looked at him who was smiling at me

"Dad..." I whispered not knowing what to say exactly

"After you get married, don't forget to come visit us or call us from time to time, and if you need any help don't hesitate to call me and your mom, we will always be here for you no matter how old you get. Just know that we love you and we will never stop loving you" dad said teary eyed

I wiped the tears in his eyes and smiled at him. I'm really thankful to have a father like him, I couldn't ask for more, he's perfect the way he is. He has always support me in my decision and believed in me since I was a child. He guided me my entire life, he stayed with me through my hardships, he helped me overcome my challenges, and he helped me become a stronger woman, no words can describe my dad, all I can I say is I love him.

"I love you too Dad, always, it will never change" I replied hugging his arm

"I believe Mingyu can take good care of you, he's a good man, but if he hurts you physically or emotionally, tell me, I'll have a talk with him"

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