Jeonghan Part 2

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A week passed by. You looked up at the sky that seemed gloomy eversince you found out about their engagement.

You walked to school bringing a dark aura around you but once you got there the same girls came blocking your way again. And then you saw his fiance right in front of you making you feel a lot worse than how you were already feeling.

What is there about her that he liked though? She's stubborn, bitchy, full of make up, and dresses up like some kind of stripper. But then what is there in you that he didn't like? You were kind, lovable, casual, and understanding.

You let out a sigh before talking to them "What do you want? Your fiance is all yours, I left him alone"

"Yeah, I know." she smiled like a victor and handed out a card to you "Here you go. You're invited to our wedding"

You stared at the invitation, contemplating whether to accept it or not. Your heart was breaking at the sight of it

"I can't go--" you started off but she grabbed your hand and placed it there

"I'll see you there sweetie" she flipped her hair and walked away

You started punching and kicking the air behind her. She was so annoying. Then you stared at that card in your hand.

In the end you shoved it in your bag, your exams are coming up, you don't need any distraction.

You rushed to your classroom to study. Time to time Jeonghan would cross your mind but you can't be worrying about him in times of education.

You slammed your head on the desk. Why is Jeonghan appearing in your head? Is this what they call love struck? Broken hearted? Rejected? One sided?

Everything happened in a blur and now you find yourself staring at the exit of your school where a familiar figure stood by staring back at you

"Jeonghan..." you whispered. You shook your head, no he's not here for you. Maybe he's waiting for someone else in school

You walked passed him only to be grabbed by the arm "[Y/N]"

That tingling sensation came again. You prepared yourself before you looked into the eyes of the guy you liked

For the first time in your life, you finally understood the feeling they say that your heart seemed to be clenching in pain. It was true, it was painful

"Eonni!!!" Jungshi came hugging your leg

"She wanted to come see you." Jeonghan says

You looked down at Jungshi who had tears in her eyes "I thought you left me! I waited in school but you never came, I felt lonely!"

You kneeled down to her level and wiped the tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, Jungshi. Something came up" you glanced up at Jeonghan and back to Jungshi

"Can you stay with us tonight? I don't get Science" she says pouting at you

You laughed and picked her up in your arms "Of course! I need to help my little angel" you kissed her cheeks and she started giggling

"Let's go?" Jeonghan said and was about to grab your hand but you avoided it and walked with Jungshi

You were talking with Jungshi the entire time it took to get to their house even while inside the house you were still talking with her. You were trying your best to avoid any chance of being alone with Jeonghan.

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