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"Seungcheol? Your members just called me saying they can't contact you. If you get this, please call me back. We're worried about you." You say this when your call went straight to voicemail.

You try to recall your last conversation with Seungcheol, it may give you a lead in finding him. But then you realize that he just asked about your day. When he tried to tell you his story, he had to hang up. Surely he had gone to his parents house if he's not in their dorm. But if he isn't there and you contact his parents, they might worry.

You shake off your thoughts remembering the pile of school works you had to finish by tonight. It should help you settle your thoughts. You take your seat in front of your desk, right before your papers. Seungcheol will be fine.

Two hours had gone by and you were able to finish your homeworks and reviewers. As you were making coffee to prepare for an all nighter, the doorbell to your condo rings. You frown, it was 11pm, who could that be?

You make your way to the front door taking a peak through the peephole in case it was an unwanted visitor. But it wasn't, it was Seungcheol. You quickly unlock the door, opening it widely to greet your boyfriend.

"Seungcheol." You trail off, your smile showing how relieved you are to see he's safe. Seungcheol returns a tired smile and clutched the handle to his luggage awkwardly. You didn't question it and stayed quiet.

"Mind if I stay the night?" He asks, his tone sounding heavy.

You sigh with a wide smile before welcoming him to your condo, even though he's been there several times. He takes his shoes off in the entrance and rolls his luggage inside. He already knows his way to the guest room so he makes his way there.

Even though you wanted to know what's wrong, you held in the urge to ask. It wasn't the right time, and you can tell he's still warming up to get to that point. "Did you have dinner?" You asked from the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry." He answers from the room. You assumed he was changing, so you took the initiative to prepare tea at least. You bring it over to your coffee table and sat on the couch to wait for him.

Seungcheol soon comes out of the room to see you waiting for him. You smile at him and beckoned him over, "Have some tea."

He chuckle but still came over to sit beside you. He takes the cup of tea, sipping lightly and nodding to it. "It taste good." Seungcheol looks at you with a kind smile. You both share eye contact, struggling to read the situation.

You just smile at him seeing the hint of sadness in his eyes. "Do you wanna talk about it?" You finally dared to ask him.

Seungcheol lowers his head, gulping down the words he can't say. He looks lost as he tries to compose his sentences. "I don't know anymore," was the only thing he could say.

You reach for his back to soothe him. You feel him shaking and you couldn't help but hug him in hope that you could make him feel protected. Light sobs could be heard coming from Seungcheol, it broke your heart to see him like this.

"I don't know if I'm leading my team right. I feel like I'm constantly lacking as their hyung and as their leader. I know being weak allows one to be stronger, but I can't face them like this. I really don't know what to do anymore. I just want to do the right thing, but how can I, when I have no idea what it is." He hesitates every now and then. Seungcheol tries to compose himself but his voice ends up breaking. You continue to listen to him as that's the best thing you can do at this moment. "I'm tired, [Y/N]. Lately, I've been wondering how it feels like to have a normal life. To be a normal person going to college, working part time, having fun on weekends. I wanted to experience it too. But I know I can't just do that."

You close your eyes as you kiss his shoulder. His muscles were tensed as he holds back his tears, but they kept coming down. He wipes them away as he became silent. You hold his hand tightly, rubbing the back of it to calm him down. A few second passed before Seungcheol was able to look at you through his swollen eyes. It was a painful sight, but you smiled at him and wiped his tears with the sleeves of your sweater.

"It must've been hard for you. Hmm?" You try to keep the atmosphere light. You were careful with your words, and gentle with your touch. You blinked away your own tears, "You've been going through this by yourself? You know you have me, right? You know you can trust me. Even if I have no power to give you what you want, you could've ran to me before you got hurt like this." You pout, kissing the back of his hand. You take in a deep breath before continuing, "To be honest, I'm not okay as well. I hate it in school. I hate it so much and I'm tired of trying to be good enough. My grades have been plummeting and I don't know what to do. No matter what I do, I'm not improving."

Seungcheol grips your hand tightly as he hears this. He uses his free hand to brush your hair. You smile despite the tears streaming down your own cheeks. He stares into your eyes and he can read the same sadness you see in him. You sat up straight and face him, "But we'll be okay. We don't have to rebuild ourselves alone. We have each other, don't we? You know that I love you."

He tucks a loose strand of your hair behind your ear. Seungcheol couldn't believe he had a person as strong willed as you are as his girlfriend. He closes the gap between you to plant a soft kiss on your forehead, and a small sincere kiss on the lips, "I love you too."

You sniffed and wiped your own tears shooting up to your feet to lighten up the mood. "Now, let's get some sleep."

He swings your interlocked hands with a frown, "I don't want to. I wanna talk to you a little longer. I really missed you." You think for a bit but he whines and tug on your arm, "Come on, please."

You scoffed and go back to your original seat. You let go of his hand and grab hold of his face, taking a closer look at him. How you wish you could protect him like this all the time. "Ah, you look really tired. I should teach your staffs a lesson. They shouldn't overwork my baby like this."

Seungcheol laughs and does the same to you. He grabs your face and leans closer to look at you. "You look stressed too. Should I go scold your teachers? Look at the wrinkles on your forehead."

Your forehead creased and you quickly pull away from his hold, "What?"

He laughs and pulls you to his chest, "I'm just kidding."

"No, you weren't. Choi Seungcheol, let me go, I'm gonna beat you up." You try to free from his grasp but he only floods your face with little kisses. You whine, but the both of you knows you're loving it. You were glad that you could see his genuine smile again. You were able to cheer him up, even if it's only for a little while. It was a relief. Seungcheol was able to be happy tonight, with you.

"No. Let's stay like this." Seungcheol says and kissed your hair.

You pout but still snuggled on his chest, "I don't mind at all. But you know what? We have to tell your members you're okay. They're worried about you."

He nods, "Alright. After 10 minutes."

"No, do it now." You whine tapping his shoulder.

"5 minutes." He pleads, kissing your lips. "Let me hold you first. Hmm?" You gave in to his tactic and agreed with it. You find comfort in his arms once again. And Seungcheol finally found peace after a long time.

End of Imagine

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