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It's Thursday morning. We came back from the boys' game yesterday. I haven't really talked to my dad, but I remember he wanted to meet Alex. We're gonna have breakfast in a few minutes, so that's when I'm gonna talk to him about it. I heard my mom calling me and I headed to the kitchen. I started discussing the Alex topic after we started eating. "So daddy, I remember you wanted to meet Alex after we come back. Well, we're back now." "That's right. When can he come?" "Well, I think they have a free day today, he can probably come." "Alright. Dinner or lunch?" "Lunch." "Okay, you can invite him after we're done." I also have to ask him about the party that Sky and G are throwing, but it might be better after he approves Alex first. I'm in my room and about to call Alex. "What's up, Brookie bear?" "Don't call me Brookie bear." "You know I won't stop. Now tell me, what's up?" "I told you how my dad wants to meet you after we come back, right?" "Yes." "Well, it's time." "God, I wanna live." "You're gonna be fine. I will be with you the whole time. And he's also slowly accepting you, it's not going to be as bad as the first time." "Okay, but I really don't wanna do this." "I know, but you'll have to get through it." "Yeah. Okay, when?" "Wanna come at 1:00 pm?" "Alright, I'm coming at 1:00." We said a few more things to each other and then ended the call. I ran to the kitchen to tell my parents. "Mom, dad, Alex is coming at 1:00 pm." "Okay," they both replied. I don't know if I should be nervous or not. Like, I'm not worried about myself, but about Alex. I know dad wouldn't hurt him in any way, but I don't know how it's gonna go. I absolutely don't know what's going on inside my father's head . Nah, they'll be fine, I shouldn't be worried 'bout it. I have an idea. Maybe I should text the girl I picked for Trevor about the party tomorrow. It'll be a great opportunity for them to "accidentally" meet. I texted her. "Heyyy giirll I wanna ask ya something." "What's it?" "Me and the boys are goin to a party tomorrow... wanna come?" "I'd love to! But my parents won't be at home and I have to be there with my younger sister... it really sucks..." "ohh I'm sorry :/ hmu if anything changes !" "Dw I will"  I guess we'll have to find another way to meet them. But for now, I'll leave that case, I have more serious things to think about.


I came to my room from breakfast. The boys have a free day today. All I wanna do is to lay in my bed and watch movies with Jack all day. The hardest part about this is to make my parents approve it. Like, he can come, but dad would kill us both if he happens to see us. My dad has to live with me, he'll forgive me sooner or later. I'm going to ask them. My mom and Peter were talking, but dad wasn't with them. "Mom, Peter, where's dad?" "He's in his hockey room. What's going on? Can I or your brother help you?" "Well, I wanted to ask you if Jack can come over." They were just looking at me, no one said anything. "So, can he?" "I'm fine with it. He can come if he wants to, but I don't know what's your dad gonna say." "Okay, I'm gonna ask him." "Really? Kim, don't make him angry, please. He's working right now." "I'm sure he has at least 2 minutes to talk to me." I turned around and headed to the hockey room. Mom and Peter were whispering, but you could still hear them. "She wasn't joking when she said she loves that boy, huh?" "She's never joking about these things" I reached our basement and the hockey room. I knocked on the door and he spoke with a louder voice, "come in." I stepped in. He looked at me and then smiled. "What's up, honey?" "Sorry to interrupt you, but I was wondering if Jack can come over. We're gonna watch movies and just chill, ya know." "Kimberly, I'm not letting you Netflix & chill with Jack." "No, no, I didn't mean it that way. I'm really talking about watching movies." He sighed. "Alright, he can come." Yes! I ran to hug him. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" "You're welcome. Please don't make me regret it." "Don't worry." I headed to my room afterwards. Mom and Peter looked at me. "What? Oh, by the way, Jack's coming today." They stared at me, but didn't say a word. I called Jack as soon as I got in my room. "Hey Jackieboy, I have something to tell you." "Whattup, I'm scared." "You're free today, right?" "Yep." "Okay, so you're coming over, I wanna cuddle." "What about your dad?" "Don't worry, I'll handle this." "Okay, when?" "As soon as possible." "Okay, prepare some movies, I'm gonna cuddle you to death." "Looking forward to it."

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