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We arrived in the hotel, got to our rooms, had dinner, and now me and Brooke are laying in our beds. We've already turned our lights off and we are just staring at the ceiling. It's pretty late, but we all slept in the bus and we're not tired. "Kimmy, can you imagine our lives without the boys. Like, I can't even imagine what we were talking about, what we were doing, we were basically nothing without them." "I know, everything's changed. I feel like I've never been this happy before. Everything about them makes me happy." "But Jack makes you the happiest." "Shut up." "What? You can't say I'm not right. Have you seen your stupid smile when he texts you?" "It's the same as yours, but yours appears when Alex texts you." "Maybe." "Absolutely!" "Can I open the window? I feel like it's too hot in here," she changed the subject. "Yeah, you're right. Do you want me to open it? I'm closer." "Nah, it's whatever." She opened the window. It was still hot in here. "Kimmy, you know there's a big terrace in the end of the corridor, right?" "Yup." "Let's put our shoes on, take jackets or something and go there, I literally can't breath in here." "Alright, maybe it'll help us fall asleep faster." We took our shoes, put a hoodie and a jacket, and then headed to the terrace. We weren't alone, two other girls were already there. We didn't mind at all. "Wait, I forgot to ask you, how's your dad accepting Jack?" "Not great, not terrible. I think he likes him, but he's too rough. I don't know how Jack's body can handle the physical and mental pressure. He's terrorizing him." "Look at the good side of the things, you're going to date the best hockey player. Jack may suffer, but he'll improve a lot." "Yeah, but I don't want him to work hard, just because his girlfriend's dad is forcing him to." "It's good for him, you have to deal with it." "You're right, but I think I'll have to talk to him when we get back to D.C." "Wait, you're from D.C.?" one of the girls spoke. "Yes?" Brooke replied. "Well, we live in the same city!" It was the same voice. "Wanna join us?" I asked them, because I wanted to be polite. "Yes, thanks for inviting us," the other girl thanked. When they came closer I saw one of them was blonde and the other one was with dark hair, just like me and Brooke. The one with the darker hair was the one to speak first. She spoke first this time too. "I'm Scarlett. This is my best friend Gabrielle." "Nice to meet you. I'm Brooke and this is my best friend Kimberly." "So what brought you here, Brooke and Kim?" Gabrielle asked. "Well, my dad started coaching the team our boyfriends play in. They have a game here, so why not to come with them! What about you?" "Me and G (Gabrielle) are doing figure skating and the U.S. pairs final is there." "Really? Me and Brooke did figure skating too!" "No way, we're literally the same. Well, except for the boyfriend part," she laughed, "wait, why did you stop figure skating?" "I kinda had problems at school and it wasn't the same as when I started." "Yeah, and I didn't want to do it without Kim." "Really? What happened?" "Scarlett, don't be cheeky." "It's okay. I was in a really toxic relationship. That boy had a sister and they both tried to bully me at school. It was too much for me, so I started doing online school. And Brooke was always with me, so that's why she started doing online school too." "Wow, we really have a lot in common. But we had a toxic best friend. We were friends for a really, really long time. Once she started winning, everything changed. She started acting like she's on top of everything. She even made me break up with my boyfriend. Gabrielle cut off some of her friends too. Thank god she moved away." Suddenly, we heard someone opening the terrace door. I couldn't see their faces, but they were really tall.


Me and Spencer are in our room. I can't fall asleep, I guess Spencer can't sleep too, because he's moving a lot. "What's up dude? You can't sleep?" "Exactly. Is it too hot in here or is it just me?" "It is too hot." "I'll open the window, ok?" "Yeah, open it." He opened the window and went back to his bed. "Spence, did you hear that? Someone is going out." "Dude, we're in a hotel." "Yeah, but we're alone on that floor, or at least that part of the floor is only for us." "I don't know what's going on, but I know I don't wanna be in trouble, so we're not searching for that person." "I'm not saying that, but I have an idea." My idea was to open Snapchat and look at the Snap Map. "I knew it." "Who's it?" "Brooke and Kim." "I'm not surprised, Kim's dad is the coach and she's not playing tomorrow, she can do everything she wants to." "I know, but I kinda want to go check on them. I just feel like I have to." "Trevor no, you're not going anywhere." "Yes, I am. And you're coming with me." "No, you're not. And no, I'm not coming with you." "C'mon Knighty, please, nothing bad is gonna happen," I made a sad puppy face, "it's too hot anyway, you won't be able to breathe in here." "Alright, but we're not staying for longer than 10 minutes." "No problem." We put our shoes on and took a hoodie with us. We weren't talking, only using signs, because we don't want someone to hear us. I saw Spencer got angry. I made a "what" face. He sent me a text message. Dammit! We forgot the card for the room inside. He started laughing. Actually, we didn't forget the card, he just forgot he took it for a moment. I texted him to go, because if no one's awake now, soon there's going to be someone. Amazing! I wanna sneeze. I tried to hold it. Spencer found out what's going on. He pointed to his nose, then to me, then he showed me his fist. I guess he'll beat me up if I sneeze. We continued walking. Oops, I can see who's on the terrace and I don't see Brooke and Kim. Or they have friends in this hotel, because there're four girls sitting around a table. I tried to open the door quietly, but I guess I wasn't quiet enough, because Spencer came and opened it instead of me. Yes, he was more quiet than me. He stepped first on the terrace, because in the end he was the one who opened the door. The girls stopped their conversation. "Trev? Spence?" Kim questioned. "Trev and Spence indeed," I replied. We took two more chairs and sat with them. "Yeah, Scarlett, Gabrielle, these two are our friends Trevor and Spencer. They're from the hockey team I told you about. Trev, Spence, these are Scarlett and Gabrielle. Me and Brooke met them here. Kinda long story. How'd you know we're here? Or why are you here?" "It's a long story too, but I gotta say one thing. Hide your location on Snapchat. Your dad can see you're on the terrace if he tries to." The girl named Gabrielle started talking, "by the way, my parents went on a vacation while I'm here and there's no one in our house. They're coming back two or three days after us. Me and Sky (Scarlett) are throwing a party on Friday. Do you wanna come?" "I have an overprotective brother and he'll probably want to come too." "No problem. We want to have a lot of people there." "Fine. Brooke doesn't have anything, do you?" "Nah, I'm coming." They all looked at us. "Well, we'll have to talk about it with the boys, but I'd like to go. I'm sure Spence thinks the same, right?" "Yeah, totally." "Super! What are your Instagram usernames by the way? Or wait, it's going to be easier if we tell you ours. Mine's @gabrielledavis." "And mine's @scarlettvalentine." We took our phones and added them. We talked for a long time, not only 10 minutes like Spencer said. Suddenly, Brooke gasped when she looked at her phone. "Guys, I don't wanna bother you, but it's 1 am." We all looked at her and exclaimed, "what!?" "Yep, it's 1 am. Look at your phones."

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack Hughesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن