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I'm in my bed now, waiting for Connor to take my call. Yesterday, Trevor told me more about the new girl he started talking to. She also invited him to a party today and he said I should come too. I'm a little afraid to go to parties after the last time, but I'll do it for him. Suddenly, Connor answered my call. "Hey, Kimmy." "Oh, hi Connor. How're you?" "I'm good. We had a more intense practice today and I'm tired, but it's fine. What about you? What's going on with the Jack kid?" "Yeah, I'm good too. And with Jack, I don't know. Everything is the same as before. Like, you know when you're watching a TV show and there's this moment before something really big and important happens. When everyone is like, "oh, come on, I can't wait anymore". This is the moment where everything froze. We're not dating, but we talk and snap every day. But I can't say it's a 100 % normal friendship, because we're a lot closer than normal friends. It's like an unofficial relationship. Do you understand?" "I totally understand. It's the situation where you both like each other, but are afraid that the other person doesn't like you. And I know, it's fucked up. But you just gotta accept the fact that he likes you. Like, yeah, you probably see him as Mr. Perfect, but he is just a boy. It's totally normal that he can like you back. Just stop overthinking and go for it. Overthinking is really bad, like it can ruin friendships, relationships, and a lot of fantastic things. And even worse is that it's just your imagination. These are not real things, and you have to stop worrying about what could happen, if something else happens. So what I'm trying to say, is that he's falling so hard for you, and that's a fact. Just forget about the stupid possibilities that are going through your head and go for it, before it's too late." "Wow, that was, I don't know, really smart. Like, where has this Connor been my whole life?" "I don't know," he laughed, "I just have bad memories of me overthinking, and I don't want you to make the same mistakes as me. You're like my little sister and I love you so freaking much. Everyone learns from mistakes, and I want you to learn something from mine." "Aww, thank you McDummy. I love you too. And I'll stop overthinking. I promise." After this conversation, we talked about some other stuff. He spilled some tea about his teammates and told me how he's thinking about getting a dog. We talked about an hour and a half more, and then Brooke called me. "What's up Brookie?" "Hey bitch, the boys told you about the party that the girl named Lydia is throwing right?" "Yeah, they did." "Well, my parents told me that I have to stay home, because my aunt and little cousins are coming. Alex said he doesn't want to go without me, but I kinda forced him. So what I'm trying to say, can you please check on him from time to time? It's not that I don't trust him, but I'm afraid some other girls are going to want something from him, you know." "Okay, no problem." Great! I'm going to be alone with a group of boys and a girl I don't know.

I looked at the time and it showed 4:57 pm. I think it's time to get ready. I took a shower and washed my hair. I blow dried it afterwards. When I opened my wardrobe, I saw a pair of white jeans I've never worn, and decided to pick an outfit with them. As a final result, I had a black off-shoulder top, white jeans, and black thigh-high suede boots. Now it was around 6 pm, so I texted Trevor. He sent me the address of a parking lot and told me to meet there at 7 pm. It was far from where I lived, so I decided to leave the house now. I went to knock on Peter's door, but then I remembered he's somewhere with his friends. I went down and looked around the house to say goodbye to my parents. When I was ready, I hopped in my car. I played "Look what you made me do" by Taylor Swift. As I was getting closer to the final point, everything started getting more and more familiar to me. I think I've been there, but I don't know when or why. I parked my car and texted Trevor. He said that they see me and are coming. I got off the car and hugged them when they came. After that, we headed to this girl's house. "Oh, and one more thing. Lydia has a brother and they're going to wait for us and introduce themselves," Trevor explained. We were walking in a rectangle shape where Cole and Trevor were in the front, I was behind Trevor and next to Quinn, and Jack was behind me and next to Alex. We were almost there when I got goosebumps all over my body. This whole situation is really weird. I heard Trevor saying "we're here", but couldn't really see anything. Not gonna lie, he's tall. "Hi guys, I'm Lydia." After her words Trevor moved to the left. Oh god, I can't believe my eyes. Suddenly, I felt like my world was spinning. After that, everything went black.


"Hi guys, I'm Lydia," the girl introduced herself, "and this is my brother-". I saw Kim falling. Luckily, I caught her. I think she fainted. The girl looked so shocked that she stopped talking. Everyone looked at me. "W-What happened?" Alex asked. "I-I don't know. I saw she was falling, so I caught her. I think she fainted." I sat on the ground and kept her in my arms. As I went down, the boys formed a circle around us. After like 15 seconds, she woke up. "W-What happened? Why am I feeling so bad?" "You passed out and I caught you so you don't fall on the ground and hurt yourself." "Wait, why?" "I don't know, I think it was when you saw Lydia," Cole spoke. Lydia made her way through the boys and looked at us. "What happened?" "Get away from me, you stupid monster." "I'm just trying to be nice, Kimmy." "You and your crazy brother can never be nice." What the hell is going on here. Do they know each other? "Wait girls, you know each other?" Trevor asked. There was no answer. "Jack, can you please help me get to my car, I wanna go home." "Yeah, no problem. And I also think me and the guys should go too," I looked at them with a murderous look, "we have an early practice tomorrow." "Yeah, it was nice to finally meet you and your brother, Lydia," Alex added. They all said "bye" to Lydia afterwards. I carried Kim to her car. When we got there, I put her on me, and all of the boys sat in her car. "Okay Kimmy, now tell us, what has happened between you two?" Cole questioned.


"Jack already heard this story, but now I'll tell it to you. Once I dated this boy. He was a hockey player. And it was a really toxic relationship. He was the popular guy at school, and he kinda started flirting with me, so I caught feelings. The first month we were dating was amazing, it was the best month of my life. But then he started asking about my dad. I found out he was only with me because he wanted my dad to get him to the NHL. I wanted to break up with him, but he said he'll expose my secrets to the whole school. He used to treat me like shit. And so did his sister Lydia. They blackmailed me, Lydia was forcing me to do her homework and other obligations. I didn't have time for anything. And they said that if I tell someone about this they'd make my life hell. I kept it for myself a long time, but one day I told Brooke. A few days later she told my brother and Connor. They beat him up. I broke up with him when he was in a hospital and I haven't seen him since then." The boys looked at me like I was an alien or something. "Oh, and I'm so sorry Trev. If you want to be with Lydia, it's ok. I want you to be happy, but you should know that Lydia is a puck bunny. Not a normal puck bunny, she's the queen of the puck bunnies. She can tell if a boy is a hockey player in like a minute. And I know you're gonna hate me after this, but if I judge by what you said to me, she saw how you skate and knew you're a hockey player. After that, she started playing mind games on you. I don't know what exactly you texted her, but I think she could tell you're feeling kinda lonely. Lydia just finds your weak spots and attacks. I'm sorry, I probably just broke your heart even more. I understand if you're going to be mad at me. And I'm not telling you what to do with your life, but I just know she's going to hurt you more than I do now." There was a silence after my words. I hope he's not as mad as it looks. "You know what Kim? I'm not mad. I'm grateful you told me. Yes, I'm really hurt, but I'm happy I know the truth now. Thank you," Trevor shared. We hugged and then the boys got off my car. All of them except Jack. "You want a goodbye hug Mr. Hughes?" "I would love it, but that's not why I'm still here. I'm not letting you drive after you passed out like 10 minutes ago." "But I'm fine now." "Probably. But you're not fine enough to drive. Now, go sit on the passenger seat, I want you to be next to me." He sat in the driver's seat and started driving. I saw he was driving with one hand almost the whole time, so I started playing with his fingers. He smiled and took my hand in his. We were like that the whole drive. When we got to my house, he went with me to my door to make sure nothing happens to me. It was cute. I hugged him to say goodbye and he kissed my cheek. That was even cuter. "Wait a minute, how are you going to get to the hotel now?" He laughed, "I'll take a taxi". I smiled at him and said, "oh, okay". After that I went inside. I was still thinking about the whole Lydia thing, but the thing that was taking a bigger part in my mind was Jack. He's so perfect.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now