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This woke me up. It's really early. Probably 5 am. I took my phone. The screen was super bright, I could barely see. Yes, it's 5 am. Oh god, I forgot about the message I got yesterday. I have to be in Pittsburgh later today. They already got me a room in a hotel and booked flights. How do I tell my family? We basically have to start packing our stuff right now and leave before lunchtime. They're all going to hate me for that. I started waking Alice up. "You better have a good reason for waking me up at. this time, Felix." "Oh trust me, I do have one." "What is it?" "We have to pack and leave." "Wait what?" Her eyes widened. "I'll explain everything later, I have to wake the kids now." "No Felix, I'm worried, explain it now." "I got a message that I have to fly to Pittsburgh today. They already booked flights and everything." "Oh, okay. I thought you're actually part of the FBI and the other side found out where you're hiding for a second." "You're still dreaming," I laughed and left the room. Kim was the next to be woken up. She didn't want to get out of her bed, but I played alarm clock sounds and put my phone in one of the corners of her room, so she had to get up and pause it. Peter was last. I tried to be nice, but he didn't want to wake up, as expected, so I had to be more rough. I wet my hands in cold water and touched his face a few times. God, I love terrorizing sleepy people. I waited 10 minutes and went to explain what's actually happening. They were all in the living room collecting things. I explained them the situation. "But dad, I have to do something before we leave." "And that something is what?" "I need to talk to someone." "Okay, but pack your things first." She started packing things faster. I think I know who this is. She's probably talking about the beach boy. And if I'm right, that means she broke up with Jack. I wanna know why.


We have to hop on the plane in a few hours and I have to pack my things, wash my hair, take a few more beach pictures and talk with Adrian. The packing should be first, because dad won't let me do anything before I'm done with it. It took me an hour and now it's 6:40 am. "Breakfast is gonna be ready at 7!" I heard my mom shouting from the kitchen. I think I can wash my hair in these 20 minutes. I jumped in the shower and thought about the talk with Adrian. I don't actually have to say much, I just have to inform him that I'm leaving and we may not see each other again, it's not that hard. Who am I trying to lie to? It's hella hard to leave him. I know we're not old friends, but he helped me forget about Jack, that's a big thing. I'd probably be depressed without him. I think I should tell him everything, he deserves to know what he means to me, even if I never see him again. I imagined the conversation, but soon my mom got me out of my thoughts, "honey, hurry up, the breakfast is ready." "I'm coming." I washed my conditioner off and stopped the water. Then I got my bathrobe and wrapped it around my hot and wet body. The others were sitting around the table and waiting for me. "So Kim, what are your plans after we finish having breakfast?" My dad asked. "Well, as you know, I made a new friend here. I want to say goodbye in person, ya know." "Oh, okay. I know it's early for this, but I don't wanna forget it. So, me and your mom are gonna be at home for maybe an hour and then head to the airport again. We're coming on Friday. Don't do dumb things please. And Kim, no Jack in your room, okay?" "They can still do it on the couch," Peter hurried to take a sip of his orange juice, because he knew I'd hit him if he wasn't drinking. "Oh shut up. And yes dad, no Jack in my room." My dad smirked and we continued eating.

Then I got in my room and started getting dressed. The only outfit that still wasn't packed contained black Nike leggings, grey Nike oversized cropped T-shirt and my favorite AF1's. I put it on and blow dried my hair. "God, I haven't asked Adrian if we can meet," I whispered as I was applying mascara on my eyelashes. I immediately threw the mascara away and took my phone. "I need to talk to you ASAP!" He called me a few seconds after I sent this message. "Kimmy, what's going on? Are you okay?" "Yes, but I wanna talk to you in person, it's important." "And you need to talk to me in person as soon as possible?" "Yes." "Okay, where?" "Where are you right now?" "At the beach we first met." "Great! Go to the café with the nice pancakes, I'm gonna be there soon." "Okie." "See ya!" I ended the call. I applied mascara to the rest of the eyelashes and then left the house. I already called an Uber, so he was waiting for me. Soon I got to the café and saw Adrian. The whole situation is making me upset, but life goes on, right? I'll get better when time passes. I walked in and saw him smiling at me. I tried to smile too, I don't know how it looked, but it felt fake.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now