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It's Saturday today. It's currently 2:47 pm and me and the boys are in the locker room, because we just finished our practice. Right now the boys are laughing at something. "Hey dude, why are you not laughing." Someone asked me, I don't even know who it was, I was so deep into my thoughts. "N-Nothing, I-I don't know." And then I fake laughed. After that I tried to fit in the conversation, so nobody suspects anything, but I have to say that it was hard. I couldn't stop thinking about the possibility that Kim actually likes Trevor. When we were leaving, the coach stopped me, "hey Jack, can I talk with you for a sec?" "Yeah, what's going on?" "I saw you today Jack, I know something is wrong, you were playing solo today. Yes, you're a really good player, but hockey is a team game. You're probably not going to tell me what's happening between you and the other boys, but that's fine, I just want you to clear the situation up before tomorrow's game." "Yes coach, I'm sorry, it won't happen again." He tapped my back and left. This is bad. Even the coach noticed I wasn't 100 % myself today. Now I can just hope the boys didn't notice that. They were actually waiting for me. I joined their conversation as we were going to the hotel. I opened my snap and saw Kim snapped me. It was a photo of her rug and it said "heeyyy watcha guys doin????". It's clear. She used the plural, it's obvious she wants to know what Trevor is doing, and she didn't even take a picture of her face. When we got in the hotel I went to the bathroom and took a shower.


"Hey guys, isn't Jack different today?" I asked. "I don't know, he played a little solo today, but I don't think it's something serious." "Yeah, Quinn is right, his solo play was a little suspicious, but I think it's just one of the days he didn't get enough sleep and then is mean all day." "You're right Cole, but I feel like he's been giving me bad looks all day. Like I don't know if it's just me or not, but I have a feeling he is mad at me." "Chill Trev, I don't think it's something serious either." Alex is right, maybe I just have to chill. "Hey guys, what do you want to do now?" Cole changed the subject. "Well, I'll go out with Brooke in like two hours-" "Really? And you're going to leave us bored? I don't like this new Alex." Alex threw a pillow at Cole, "shut up Cole." "Well, since Alex is going on a date with his future girlfriend, what are we gonna do?" "I don't know Quinn, you and Cole can go somewhere, but I'm not in a party mood, I'll stay here." Jack got out of the bathroom. "Okay, me and Quinn are going out so I'm the next in the shower. Jack, Do you wanna go with us?" "Nah, I'm good here." I went to the bathroom last. And when I came out, everyone had left.


Trevor went to the bathroom and Quinn and Cole left. I talked with Alex, but then he left too. I'm finally alone with my thoughts. I just laid in my bed and thought about Kim. Now I just thought about the good things that could happen if she really likes me. Suddenly Trevor got out of the bathroom. "Hey, are you the only one left here?" "Yeah, do you see anyone else?" He didn't answer. He sat on his bed and started going through his phone. "What do you want to do here? Do you want to watch a movie?" "I don't care, you decide." "Ok, so is there something you don't want to do, Jack?" "I already told you, I don't care." "Ok, I'm just gonna sit there and do nothing, if you change your mind and actually want to do something, tell me, I'd love to hear that." "Ok."


I don't know what's wrong with Jack, but he's not the same as yesterday. I don't care what the other boys think, but I know for sure that Jack is mad at me. I didn't know what to do, so I decided to snap Kimmy. "heeey badger come here and fix your bf, he's mad at me for no reason" "really? I noticed he's acting different... what happened?" "idk he just started being rude for literally no reason" I snapped with her for a while and then scrolled through my photos to clear my phone storage up. There were so many pictures of me and Jack. They made me sad, I should talk to him. "Hey dude, are you mad at me?" No, why?" "Because you're acting mean and you've been rude since yesterday after we came from the party. What's your problem?" "What's my problem? I don't have a problem, maybe it's just you." "Are you trying to tell me that I did something to you when you don't even let me talk to you for 5 minutes?" The conversation was getting louder and more and more angrily filled with every sentence. "I wanted to talk to you, but all you did was talk to Kimberly." "Yeah, I was talking to her because you were busy with some other people." "I was talking to these people because I know how much you don't like them. I was just trying to make you happier." "Thank you, but in that situation she was more important than me. Like, I already love you bro, you're my best buddy, I won't get mad if I have to talk to annoying people. But Kimberly isn't technically yours yet, so you had to take care of her." "I know, and yes, I like her a lot, but I've only known her for a week. We've been friends for a long time and you're my number one priority. And it's actually sad that the two people I like the most are using me." "What the actual- J-Jack w-what do you mean?" "I mean the fact that you like Kim, it's obvious she likes you too. You two are just using me to get closer." "Oh god, how many times am I gonna have to go through this. First Alex is mad at me because he thinks I like Brooke, now you're acting like a little kid and overthinking. Sometimes I really wanna jump off a cliff." "I'm not overthinking!" "Yes you are. Do you think that I'm going to do something like this to my best, best friend? Do you really think I'm this kind of a person? If yes, then you don't know me." Then I headed to the door. "Trev wait-" I shut the door in front of Jack. I don't even know where I'm gonna go now, but I just don't want to be in the same room with him now. How could he think that I would steal his girl? He's seriously out of his mind.


Trevor shut the door in front of my face. God, what have I done. Maybe I was really overthinking. What is going to happen now? Trevor is mad at me, the boys are all gone too, and the coach wants me to fix all that. Think fast Jack, think fast. What if I check Snapchat to see if Trevor still has his location on. I ran to my phone and opened Snapchat. What a dummy, he didn't hide his location. I saw he was at the park. I took some money, my phone, and went to the park. When I got to the park I started looking for him. It took me around 10 minutes, but I found him. He was sitting on a bench, alone, with his headphones and hood on. I went and sat next to him. He looked me in the eyes and stopped his music. "If you want to share your stupid thoughts, go to your friends, I've heard enough." "You're my friend and that's not why-" "No Jack, I'm not your friend. The key to a good friendship is trust, and you don't trust me. Even a little bit." "Yes, I do." "I don't want your empty talk, Jack, I want to see that you really trust and care about me. At least half as much as I care and trust you." "Okay, shut up now and listen to me. I know I was acting like a 10 year old jealous kid, and I can't change the past. I'm really sorry about how I acted and the fact that I overthink so much makes me sad. But do you want to know what made me even more sad? The moment when you shut the door in front of my face. At that moment, all I could see was all our friendship breaking apart. Then I imagined myself going through everyday stuff without you. And you know what? My life looked horrible without you cheering me up. Now, I do realize how stupid I was to think that my best friend is going to take the girl I like. And I understand why you're mad at me. You should be. But I want you to promise me something. I want you to think about what just happened, and when you have something to tell me, call me." After these words I got up from the bench and walked away. I felt my eyes tearing up a little bit. Damn, I think I just lost my best friend. And it's all because of my jealousy. Suddenly, I heard my phone vibrate. I looked at it and it was Trevor. "Ok, so what do you think?" "I think you should turn around, Jack." I turned around and saw Trevor standing behind me. "Listen buddy, I think I overreacted. Like, I was mad, but I shouldn't have said some things. I'm sorry too, but at least I learned something. And it's that I can't lose you bro." We were looking at each other and then I spoke, "are we gonna just shake hands like boring men or I can normally hug you?". We laughed and then hugged. We decided to go back to the hotel and watch a movie." "Hey Jack, we aren't going to tell anyone about the things that happened today, right?" "What things?" I joked and we both laughed.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now