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It's 11 am. I just opened my eyes and looked at the time on my Mac. I left it on for a strange reason. I changed myself into comfortable, but more normal looking clothes. Went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After that, I went downstairs. I found my mom, dad and brother sitting on the couch watching TV. "Where're the boys?" "Oh, they have a morning practice and I drove them to their hotel," Peter replied. I made an "oh" sound. I grabbed a bowl, milk and cereal. "Aren't you gonna eat something, I don't know, something that's actually food?" My mom asked. "Oh come on Alice, she's old enough to decide what to eat. And if they're not supposed to eat that, then why do we have it in our home?" "Because you bought it, Felix. And I just want them to eat real food. But ok, I guess it's one of your grumpy mornings," my mom rolled eyes at my dad. My dad did a really emotional fake eye roll at her back and that made me laugh. I really want to find love like theirs one day. I ate my cereal in peace, talked with my parents and Peter about some things. Mainly hockey. I decided to do my school afterwards. It was a chill day. I was finishing my school, when I realized I haven't looked at my phone since yesterday. Now I was curious about why my phone was blowing up yesterday, but school is more important. I finished it fast.

I tidied my bed after the studying and sat with my phone on it. I opened Instagram and my new post. There were 300 comments. And not good. There were around 200 hate comments under my picture. All from girls. I guess they were girls who follow the boys. I scrolled through them. "Puck bunny" "One isn't enough huh?" "You're not good enough for them" "How could someone like them hang out with you" "You're the ugliest from the squad" "I smell a puck bunny here" "Eww" My eyes started tearing up. I've never received this much hate. And that bad. I didn't know what to do, so I just threw my phone on the ground. I took a blanket I had on my bed and used it as a crying pillow. I had my face buried in it, when I heard my door open. Oh no, it's fucked up now. I tried to wipe my tears before looking who it was. It was my dad. I smiled at him, "what's up?" "W-Were you crying?" He was smiling too, but when he saw me, his smile faded away and he looked really worried. "No, I'm not crying. Why?" "Because I can literally see you are crying. Don't even try to lie to me. Tell me everything. Now." I let out a sigh. I was quiet for a moment, because I wanted to think about how I'm going to explain him the whole situation. He started talking again. "It's something with the USA hockey boys, isn't it?" "H-How did you know?" "I'm not that dumb Kimmy. I saw how you were shining when you were around them. But tell me, what happened?" "Well, I posted a second picture with Trevor on my Instagram. Girls that follow the guys found me and started posting hate comments. I don't know why, but it hurts a lot this time. You've been telling me not to care about hate my whole life. And I always have a picture of you telling me this in my head. I don't know. It's different now." "Oh Kim, can I see them?" I showed him my phone. He was scrolling for about 3 minutes and the whole time he had his angry face. He gave me my phone back. "Bullshit. That's all bullshit. You can't take these dumb comments seriously. It's clear that they want you to feel bad. These girls know your life is perfect in every way and they try to ruin it. I'm sure they haven't talked to a guy in ages. Just jealous puck bunnies." "I know, but what if-" He interrupted me. "There's no 'what if', because there aren't other possibilities. You have to believe me. I'm the old man, but I've been through a lot of hate and I know why they do that. Just trust me and everything is going to be fine." I looked at him and he hugged me. "Now, stop crying, go wash your pretty face, and tell the USA boys about it. Ok?" I nodded. He then left. I did what he told me to do. I decided to call Jack, their practice probably ended.

He wasn't answering. I called one more time and he got it. Well, it wasn't him. It was Trevor. "Hey Kim, Jack and the other guys went out. He forgot his phone. Is it important? Shall I call Alex or someone else?" "Oh, no, it's fine. Actually, I need some moral support. Do you wanna FaceTime?" "Well, I have some things to do here, but you can come to the hotel if you want to." "Okay! JW Marriot right?" "Yep." "See ya," I ended the call. It should be fine. I'll drive for a while, it should probably help me too. I had leggings and a cropped sweatshirt on. I told my dad I'm going to their hotel, because he already knew why and wasn't going to ask questions. He only asked who am I going to be with. But it's normal, he's a dad. I didn't play music from my phone this time. I didn't know what I wanted to listen to, so I just turned the radio on. There was a sad song on the radio, what else could I expect. I couldn't stop thinking about the hate comments. I don't think I deserve that, but who knows. Maybe they're right and I have to know my place and worth. Is my self-esteem too much? Maybe. I have to lower my ego. And I should probably give up on Jack. He's out of my league. It'll be hard, but I'm giving up. I felt a tear forming in my left eye. Then I felt it getting down my cheek. I wiped it away. I shouldn't be crying. I don't want Trevor to see me cry over hate comments. It's dumb. I tried to get of my thoughts before I got to the hotel. When I was there, I called Trevor. "Hey Trev, I'm here. How can I get to you?" "Third floor. Go left. I'll come for you after that." "But what if the lady on the reception wants to know who I'm?" "She won't. Just act like you know where you're going." He ended the call. I'm nervous, but it's gonna be fine. I did as he told me. I turned left and saw him waiting for me.

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now