~14~ *PART TWO*

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I looked up. It was Trevor! "Kim! I'm sorry, I lost Cole and I was concentrated on looking as far as I could, and you're short- Ok, I'm shutting my mouth. Just, I'm sorry." "It's fine Trev, don't worry. I just fell bad on my wrist and it hurts now." "Let me look at it," he said while taking my hand, "where's Jack by the way?" "Oh, I thought I found one of the green tables and went alone to see if it's really it. It was a mistake, because I couldn't get back to Jack. I just messed up and now I'm alone. But I'm happy I found you, I was scared. And yeah, I started running, because I wanted to find someone as fast as I could and you know, I found you." "Well, that's bad, I hope they find each other too," he laughed. We started searching for the checkpoints. It went good. We found them all. We also had a more private and serious talk. I feel like today I got to know the real Trevor Zegras. We talked more about him, but he already knows me well, so it was fine. I feel like his way of thinking is similar to Connor's and we can be pretty good friends. When we got out, we waited for the others. While we were waiting he asked me about Lydia. "Hey Kimmy, I know it's a hard topic for you, but I've been thinking about this since that day. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. How did Lydia find me? And why did she play with my feelings in such an evil way?" "It's fine. As you know, I posted stories with you, you commented under mine and Brooke's pictures, we were just showing our friendship publicly. I've blocked her and her brother on all social media, but if she wants to, she'll find a way to stalk me. Lydia has been doing this thing my whole life. When I find new friends, or follow new people, especially hockey players, on social media, she becomes their friend in like two days. I believe that this happened again. She saw a group of really good looking hockey players that don't have much friends here, and started thinking how to get to you. We were on the same rink as her by accident, I guess, but she had the perfect chance to attack. But Lydia has experience and knows how to do these things correctly. She played a really evil game on you. The game of fake feelings. You thought you both like each other, but that wasn't true. You were played. But that's good, because you could start dating. Sooner or later you would find out what's really going on, but the later you find out, the more you'd be hurt. I don't know why she does that mostly to hockey players, but I guess she has puck bunny genes in her body," I laughed while I said the puck bunny gene thing. "Do you know that you're one of the best people to talk to? You understand me every time and always try to help." "Thank you. And I don't know how this is going to sound, but you're really different on the inside. Just, I feel like I haven't seen you like this before. Today you were different, more honest. I'm not trying to tell you're always lying, but today I saw the Trevor with the feelings, the one that isn't hiding his life from the people around him. And you know what? I like him a lot more." He smiled at me. It was the purest form of a smile. "Oh, and one more thing. Smile more, it's cute." "Don't call me cute ever again," he laughed, but had a fake angry look.

As we were talking Brooke and Alex got out. "Hey bitch, weren't you with Jack?" "Yeah, I was, but I lost him. It's kinda long story." "And you Trev, you were with Cole, weren't ya?" Alex joined. "Yeah, I lost him too. After that, me and Kim met and decided to stay together." We started talking. Brooke went to throw her gum in the trash. "Kimmy, Trevor, stay where you are right now. Don't move!" Trevor moved a little bit to tell me something, but she told him not to move again. Brooke took a photo of us. "You'll thank me later. It's super cute." We agreed with her. The others came out soon. It turned out that when Cole and Jack were alone they both went to the watch tower. Peter and Quinn were at the watch tower too. At least no one was alone for a long time. "Okay, so girls, now it's time for food. We've planned to buy something on the way to our next destination, Richmond. Nothing too crazy, just so you don't starve, ok?" Cole announced. "But," I started, "isn't that too far?" "It's around two hours," Peter responded. We agreed and got in the cars. We were on the same seats as before, because we didn't want to move our things when it's basically whatever. Plus, I want to be next to Jack as long as possible. We didn't have as much energy as in the beginning of our trip, but we could still stay awake. We started a weird conversation about kindergarten funny moments. Peter was first. "I remember my dad telling me this. One time, we were going to bed in kindergarten. Every time before sleep, we were allowed to watch tv. A boy went to go to the bathroom and stepped on the remote. It switched to a hockey channel. The other kids got bored really fast and went to their beds. But not me, I was sitting in front of the TV, hypnotized. I skipped sleep that day, because of the hockey game." We laughed at it and Trevor commented, "wow, they probably called you the hockey obsessed kid," he laughed, "but I've probably got a better one. I don't know how, but I remember that one. Once, I spent two or three hours building a LEGO castle. I got up to make a few steps, because my butt hurt. I lurched, because I was sitting for three hours and fell on the castle. There weren't even two pieces left that were still together, it was gone. I got really angry and started throwing LEGO cubes all around the kindergarten. The ladies that worked there tried to calm me down, but I got even angrier. I told them that I'm never going to find a princess when I don't have a castle and then sat on the floor. I remember them discussing these words the whole day. I guess it sounded really depressing," he chuckled. We laughed at his words and I started talking. "It was really smart, not gonna lie. I remember having a boyfriend in kindergarten. One day, I saw him play with another girl. I took that as cheating and told the lunch lady about it. I was really upset, so I broke up with him. A week later he found a new girlfriend. I was jealous and decided to start dating his older brother. I was really a badass in kindergarten." The others threw surprised looks at me and laughed. Jack was last to tell a story. "I was a badass too. I remember that almost every girl had a crush on me. I didn't like them, so I told each of them that I already have a girlfriend. They wanted to know who she is and I told a different thing to every girl. In the end, the girls in my kindergarten hated each other and the parents and the ladies that worked there never found out why." Trevor was in shock, "wow, I thought mine was bad. But you Kim and Jack, you just took relationships in the the kindergarten to a whole another level. Especially Jack." We laughed at it. When we finished this conversation, we were quiet fo a while. "Hey Pete, when will we get there?" I asked. "Around 2:30 pm."

It all started with an "oops" ||  Jack HughesWhere stories live. Discover now