Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

 ~ Cemetary ~

Slowly, Lillian could feel her pupils dilate so much that she thought maybe her eyes were about to burst out from her head, along with the blue wires that were drawn around them.

Her eyes were so swollen and drained.

Oh, they felt so painful!

 But it was nothing compared to the pain she kept feeling inside of her chest.

 Emptiness and shock.

Oh anger. Yeah she felt angry too. The girl was angry with one person and one person only. Her father!

If her father hadn't have went to the pub and got drunk, onto to replay the same abusive scene when he came home, then her mother would not have had to go collect him.

And then her mother's car wouldn't have slipped on black ice and killed them both!

Lillian felt she aged dreadfully during her parent's funeral.

When she stood on her thirteenth birthday, next to her parent's gravestone, she had the mind of a snapped lunatic. She felt as if she was going to crack again or something. Lillian was close to digging her nails into the soil only to scratch at the white coffins. And she would have done it, if it weren't for the voice that murmured from behind her.

"What will happen to you Lilly, now that your parents are gone?" it asked. Lillian was about to say, follow the same route as them and put herself into a coffin, but she mentally shook her head. That wasn't what the vicar was asking.

"I honestly don't know. I'll need to see what happens." Lillian sighed.

It was a long sigh, full of deep heartache .

"The girl will be coming with me," a new cold voice whispered.

Both the vicar and Lillian looked at the slowly approaching robed man whom was gliding towards them quite heavily.

When he was next to Lillian, Lillian who was so dumbstruck and baffled that it was beyond belief, his eyes flickered something warm; a sentiment of kindness, but only for a second, then his eyes seemingly turned back into those familiar dark tunnels. Lillian was getting lost in them once again.

 "And you are?" the vicar probed, jerking his chin upwards in awe and curiosity.

 Something told Lillian that the vicar was somewhat scared of the man in the black robes.

"The only one who is offering to deal with the girl's upbringing! The only one who bothered to stay behind, uptight about the girl's safety!" Severus got a little bit defensive, which shocked both him and Lillian something awful. "I'm her new adoptive father."

And as one would do in a dream, a trance, Lillian swapped her gaze from the astonished vicar, over to Severus. It was then when her mouth fell open. He was serious. Deadly serious! She couldn't believe her eyes.

Sure he attended her parent's funeral, along with the apparently remorseful neighbours, but everybody thought it was out of politeness. Ha, Snape being polite. Lillian almost choked on her inward laughter.

But look at Severus now, Lillian mused, announcing that he's going to be her future father.

Hm, fancy that.

When Lillian needed and cared for Severus, he was never there but when she didn't need him or expect him, there he was. Like a bottle of milk in the morning on her doorstep.

Granted, he was like a sour bottle of milk, but he was still there.

"I see..." whispered the vicar, and with a quick yet compassionate farewell, the vicar left the two alone.

Lillian couldn't speak. She feared that if she did then she'd cry and she didn't want to cry. She hadn't cried yet, she was impressively holding herself together.

And so instead Lillian wrapped her arms around Severus, gripping at his long torso.

The man she would've thought least cared about her; the man whom was now going to be her adoptive father.

Severus Snape gulped while her arms tightened around him. Slowly and casually, and making sure nobody was around to witness what he was about to do, Snape tenderly patted the girls back.

It was out with the old and in with the new, literally!

Say goodbye to sweeping brushes Lillian, thought Snape, and say hello to broomsticks!

Strange! What a strange way indeed for someone to spend their thirteenth birthday. 


Please read/vote and comment, means a lot!. The chapter after the next one, you might be wondering why Snape's acting all nice/generous. MY Snape isn't going to be completely black hearted. Well, not to Lillian anyway. Or is he? Gah! Confusing myself.  <3.

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