Chapter XVII: Deal

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Bruce: "And... that's the plan! We basically beat each bad guy sent by Ra's Al Ghul and use them to find out whatever Ra's's plan is."

Nick, Ollie, Diana, Matthew, Danny, Splinter, Constantine and the Ninja Turtles all listen to Bruce Wayne.

Michelangelo: "I don't get it. So, Bruce Wayne is leading us all?"

Bruce Wayne: "I'm the Goddamned Batman..."

Michelangelo, gasping: "You're the Batman?!"

Bruce sighs.


Danny walks up to Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen.

Danny: "I've actually been meaning to speak with you."

Bruce: "What is it, Danny?"

Danny: "I need your help. The both of you."

Ollie: "I'm the richest Asian in the world, right? Head and CEO of Rand Enterprises. Ollie, you're the richest African-American man on the world. You own Queen Consolidated. Bruce, you're the second richest white man in the world after Stark. You own Wayne Enterprises."

Bruce: "So... What?"

Danny: "I've been thinking... What if we create... a merger?"

Bruce: "I'm listening..."

Ollie: "Hell nah... I ain't going to give any of my gold to this Asian boy."

Danny: "Ollie, you and I have been struggling recently in our companies. This is the merger we need. Rand Enterprises usually works on technology, electronics and medicine while Queen Consolidated works on technology and electronics. Wayne Enterprises owns so much more.

Wayne Airlines

Wayne Automotive

Wayne Aviation

Wayne Biotech

Wayne Botanical

Wayne Chemicals

Wayne Construction

Wayne Electric

Wayne Electronics

Wayne Energy

Wayne Entertainment (parent company of The Daily Planet newspaper)

Wayne Foods

Wayne Healthcare

Wayne Industries

Wayne Investigation

Wayne Manufacturing

Wayne Medical

Wayne Mining

Wayne Oil

Wayne Pharmaceuticals

Wayne Records

Wayne Research Institute (parent company of S.T.A.R. Labs)

Wayne Retail

Wayne Shipping

Wayne Stage

Wayne Steel

Wayne Studios (Unused)

Wayne Technologies

Wayne Television

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