Chapter XXII: Heir to the Demon Part II-Duel

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"A duel?!"

Ra's laughed.

Ra's: "A DUEL?!!!"

The Batman: "Yeah...
We've obviously lost...
I just want to have a duel with you..."

The Batman is strapped to a chair as the villains all surround The Batman.

Ra's: "You aren't serious, are you?!"

The Batman: "If I win, you let us go.
If I lose, you kill us all."

Ra's: "But I still get to use the Mother Box?"

The Batman sighs.

The Batman: "I've learned now that you're just playing with us...
Since that toy of yours makes you like a god, I'll find my own god.
I'll make up my own team...
Another team...
A bigger team that'll kick your god's ass."

Ra's: "Very well."

The Batman is then put into a dome-like cage, as Ra's Al Ghul woges into a Vampire.

The Batman lifts up his fists and went to a fighting position.

Ra's: "You'll lose, Bruce..."

Bruce remembered something...

Bruce is beaten to a pulp.

Bruce: "Please... I want my Daddy!"

Ra's: "You won't be getting a Daddy, you piece of shit!
I won't ever be your Daddy...
And you will never be my son...
I want a warrior."

Ra's then proceeds to break his legs.



Bruce's eyes quivered.

Ra's: "What's wrong?
You fear your old man?"

The villains look at each other, confused.

Batman: "I won't ever be your son, and you will never be my Father."

Ra's laughs.

Ra's: "Tell me, Batman...
What is Batman?"

Batman: "The Batman is a Caped Crusader who brings fear into the hearts of his enemies."

Ra's laughs.

Ra's: "That's not true...
The Batman...
Is a coward!
He's a man who still fears... EVEN AFTER I'VE TRAINED HIM SO WELL!!!"

The Batman's eyes quivered, staring at Ra's.

Ra's: "The Batman doesn't kill, because he's afraid to embrace what he is!
A monster...
He wants to conquer fear!
And instead, he runs away from it.
You, Batman, are a monster...
But someone's stopping you from going all out, right?
That someone is the answer to... 'Who is Batman?'
Finally, I have one question for you...
Why is Batman?
What is his purpose?
To make his Daddy proud?
To hope that one day his Mommy will see him as something important and would come back to him?
To bring crime down from Gotham forever?
Is Batman a punishment, or an argument?
Why does Batman exist?
Why does he ever-so obsessed to beating criminals?
Why are you here?
Why are you doing this whole schtick that is so fucking self-destructive?!
That destroyed all of your relationships with women and your family?!"

Selina sighed softly.

Bruce: "I'm Batman... because...
I'm Batman...


I am afraid...

That if no one else does what I'm doing...

There would be a world...

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