Chapter XVI: Outsiders

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Wonder Woman: "So, Bruce. What's your plan?"

Batman: "Splinter, Daredevil, Iron Fist and Constantine. A Reinigen, a ninja, a monk and a wizard. Easy enough."


A ninja with a devil costume with the lower half of his face showing jumps from building to building. He carries a pair of red batons.

Suddenly, he breathes in and out in a certain way, charging Hamon and throwing the baton behind.

Batman catches the baton.

Batman stood 182 centimeters, while Daredevil stood 151 centimeters.

Batman: "Hello, Matthew Murdock."

Daredevil quickly attacks.

Daredevil charges Hamon through the steel baton he has as he fenced batons with Batman.

Batman: "Arnis. I learned the art in Lian Yu from Ra's."

Daredevil kept on fencing and kicking. He then punched Batman in the face repeatedly, only for Batman to charge with Hamon as well and electrocute Daredevil as well with sun energy.

Daredevil listens to his breath.

Daredevil: "Bruce Wayne?"

Batman is shocked.

Batman: "I heard you were blind. Heightened senses? I guess so. Smell, hearing, touching, tasting even something that is meters away from your mouth. My breath must've reminded you of Bruce Wayne's breath on the hearings on Sunday on Harvey Dent's fall and Rachel's death. I've been watching you watch the news at your house, Mr. Murdock, among other things."

Daredevil: "What do you want, Mr. Wayne?"

Batman: "We're both Hamon Users, Mr. Murdock. We're also both battling The Hand for years now. I want you by my side to defeat Ra's Al Ghul."

Daredevil: "I'm only doing this for my Master."

Batman: "Stick, right? And you're supposed to be the last member of the Chase?"

Daredevil: "I fight for Iron Fist."

Batman: "I know. He's my next target."


The Batman and Daredevil crawl inside their apartment.

Iron Fist: "Whoa.. whoa whoa whoa, dude... Is that Batman?"

Daredevil: "This is Bruce Wayne. He's assembling a team of outsider vigilantes like us against the Hand."

Batman looks at the apartment and observes it. He sees Roman Catholic and Buddhist items decorated all over the apartment, as well as a two-person bed.

Iron Fist stood up, as he is about the same height as of Daredevil: 173 centimeters. Like Daredevil, he has a strong build. Unlike Murdock, he is Asian.

Batman: "Oh. You're in a relationship."

The two are surprised.

Batman: "Sorry... Not my business. Ahem..."

Daredevil: "He's a Hamon User. I saw it with my own eyes."

Iron Fist prepares his Chi fists.

Batman: "That's new..."

Iron Fist: "It's an extension of Hamon. It's called Chi. This was taught to me by the Monks of K'un Lun, the inventors of Hamon and the people who taught Grimms from all over the world the said art to hunt down the Cryptids. Hamon speeds up a normal person and strengthens their durability. Grimms have the luxury to be stronger than us. Are you a Grimm, Bruce Wayne?"

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