Character File: The Hood

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The Hood
Real Name:Oliver Queen
Alias:The Emerald Archer
Bat-shit Crazy Robin Hood
Black Hawkeye
Better Batman
Cancerous Edgy Archer (By Bruce)
Birth Date:November 1, 1991
Species:Homo Sapien
Gender:Straight Male
Hair Color:Black
Eye Color:Black
Blood Type:A+
Skin Color:Black
Occupation:CEO and Head of Queen Industries
Assassin (Formerly)
Soldier (Retired)
Net Worth:Robert Queen-2011-100 Billion
Thea Queen-2017-192 Billion
Race:50% African, 50% British-American
Language:English, Afrikaans
Abilities:High IQ, Master Mixed Martial Artist, Master Marksman, Master Strategist, Peak Human Condition, Master Tactician, Master Hunter, Master Assassin
Weapons and Equipment:Bow and Arrow, The Hood Suit, Arrow Suit, Green Arrow Suit, Mecha-Arrow Suit, Emerald Thunder Suit, Thunder Bow, Bullseye Suit, Apollo Suit I, Spollo Suit II, Apollo Suit III
Origins:Oliver was a spoiled, narcissistic, arrogant, highly intelligent billionaire playboy, well he still is, but before he was such an a-hole, that he would go out and take money from hobos. Yes... He is an a-hole. But can you blame him, as his father was a white supremacist and his mother was a black woman, which lead to him having and abusive father yet a mother who constantly spoils him? But, in 2010, when The Queen Family, except Thea Queen, were in a cruise, the ship becomes shipwrecked after several unknown terrorists attacked the ship, causing his mother to die and him, his father and several other become shipwrecked in Lian Yu, an island controlled by Ra's Al Ghul. His father kills himself in starvation, an several others are killed, one by one. Oliver is trained under this man, Ra's al Ghul and becomes the fourth deadliest warrior in Ghul, though is considered to be extremely defective, due to his extreme arrogance and stubbornness that caused him to rebel from time to time. He goes on to assassinate several people around the world, only to return in the island. When he discovers Ra's had something to do with his parents' murder, he attacks him, only to become defeated and is sent back to America, and is found by Amanda Waller, now working as her Assassin. Currently he resigned and became Gotham's second guardian
Family:Robert Queen (Father), Moira Queen (Mother), Thea Queen (Half-Sister)
Personality:Oliver is basically Batman from Earth Prime timeline 1, in Earth 1, Cosmo 1, timeline c-137ABTMN, as his personality is grim and dark, though is shown to be even more violent than him. He is a satirical take on the character, as he is more prone to kill than Oliver from "Arrow" and the comics. He is far more violent and grim, as he is shown to murder his enemies in extreme ways. He avoids murdering children, however, for he considers himself to have "manners". He doesn't seem to mind however in killing innocent people for the "greater good". He, however, has an extremely obsessive personality, causing him to obsess over a certain subject, such as his rivalry with the Batman. He is originally a rival of the Batman who received his own standalone Book. His trauma from the island, such as his father's suicide and the cannibalism he witnessed by his friend as his friend ate a child, for example, caused him to become slightly insane. 
Quotes:"You have failed this city!"
"I'm the Hood."
"I don't care about anything that you just said."
"Silence, coward!!!"
"F*ck off, c*nt."
"Hit me again and I'll kill you..."
Universe:Cosmo 1, Universe 1, Timeline-ABTMN c-137
Danger Level:A


Courtesy of: Pinterest

Image by:  AFow

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