Character File: The Batman

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Real Name:Bruce K.(Kane) Wayne
Alias:The Dark Knight
The Caped Crusader
Some Guy in a Batsuit

Birth Date:July 23, 1990
Species:Homo Sapien
Gender:Straight Male
Hair Color:Black-Brown
Eye Color:Reddish Brown
Blood Type:B+
Skin Color:White
Occupation:CEO and Head of Wayne Enterprises
Owner of S.T.A.R. Labs
Prince of the Wayne Clan
GCPD Private Consultant
Detective of the Illuminati
CEO and Head of the Nintendo Films Studios (Book II)
CEO and Head of S.T.A.R. Space (Book III)
Head and Founder of the Justice League (DC Abatman Justice League)
Head of Batman Inc. (Batman vs. Superman)
Head of the Sons of Batman (Batman vs. Superman)
Owner of... (Wayne Airlines
Wayne Automotive
Wayne Aviation
Wayne Biotech
Wayne Botanical
Wayne Chemicals
Wayne Construction
Wayne Electric
Wayne Electronics
Wayne Energy
Wayne Entertainment (parent company of The Daily Planet newspaper)
Wayne Foods
Wayne Healthcare
Wayne Industries
Wayne Investigations
Wayne Manufacturing
Wayne Medical
Wayne Mining
Wayne Oil
Wayne Pharmaceuticals
Wayne Records
Wayne Research Institute (parent company of S.T.A.R. Labs)
Wayne Retail
Wayne Shipping
Wayne Stage
Wayne Steel
Wayne Studios (Parent company of Nintendo Studios)
Wayne Technologies
Wayne Television
Wayne Weapons
Wayne Yards
Wayne Security)
Net Worth:Joan Wayne (Great-Grandfather of Bruce)-1950-24 Billion
Patrick Wayne-1980-51 Billion
Thomas Wayne-1998-201 Billion
Bruce Wayne-2015-341 Billion
Bruce Wayne-2016-351 Billion
Bruce Wayne-2017-449 Billion (S.T.A.R. Space and NCU gives higher net worth)
Race:50% British-American, 12.5% Filipino, 37.5% Spanish
Language:English, Filipino, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Scottish, Irish, Korean, Chinese, German, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian Israeli, Greek, Ancient Greek, Latin, Ethiopian, Indian, Afrikaans, Egyptian, Ancient Egyptian
Abilities:Master Mixed Martial Artist, Expert Inventor, Master Tactician, Genius IQ, Master Strategist, Peak Human Condition, Master Acrobatist, Master Marksman, Master Detective, Master Gamer, Master Businessman, Professional Musician (Guitar, electric Guitar, Drums, Singer, Rapper, Piano, Cello), Intimidation, Expert Artist (Drawer, Painter), Metal Fanatic, Professional Detective, Expert Manipulator, Master K-Pop Fanatic, Master Interrogator, Indomitable Will, Master Comic and Anime Fanatic
Weapons and Equipment:Batarangs, Claws, Batmobile, Grappling Gun, Bat Bracers, Bat Gadgets, Smoke Bomb, Batsuit 1, Batsuit 2, Batsuit 3, Batsuit 4, Shattered Knight Stars (Light Batarangs), Bat Computer, Proto Mech-Batsuit
Origins:Bruce was an 8-year-old shy spoiled brat that was brought up in Wayne Manor by his extremely rich father Thomas and his butler Alfred. He grew up to be quite the intelligent and extremely skilled young boy, considered to be a child prodigy. He had everything, as he is the richest boy in the whole world, even richer than Bill Gates. But then, because he didn't "RUN!!!" like his father told him to when a mugger, well, mugged them, he ran back and caused his own father's death. This triggered something within Bruce, an insanity of some sort, that caused him to go over the edge and become obssessed with becoming the "Greatest Human Who Ever Lived"... He wanted to top everyone in his life. He became so obssessed that he finished college when he was just 14 and worked in S.T.A.R. Labs for two years, mastering several branches of science, with an IQ of 275. When he was 16, he got bored and decided to take up Martial Arts training in Ghul, gaining an idea to kill the man responsible of murdering his father. He then becomes an obssessive For 7 years he trained hard, becoming obssessed with becoming the world's greatest. He ends up becoming Ghul's greatest Martial Artist and third Deadliest Warrior who trained in the League of Assassins, becoming a true prodigy, learning under Ra's Al Ghul, their King. His final test was to kill Ra's himself, which, when he had him down to the ground, refused, causing him to become banished. When he turned 24, he returned to his hometown, Gotham City, where he ends up getting an idea from an old children's book his father secretly wrote for him, "The Bat Man", to become a vigilante, working in the shadows and beating the criminals in the city to near death.
Family:Thomas Wayne (Father +)
Martha Wayne-Kent (Mother)
Jason Todd (Adopive Brother+ Later Resurrected)
Alfred Pennyworth (Adoptive Father,Butler, Teacher and Grimm)
Ra's Al Ghul (Father Figure and Master)
Richard "Dick" Grayson (Adoptive Son)
Rachel Dawes (Ex-Girlfriend +)
Oliver Queen (2nd Cousin)

Personality: Narc who grew up
Quotes:"It's Because I'm Batman!"
"I'm the Goddamned Batman..."
"Because I can..."
"I am Darkness... I am Vengeance... I am the Knight... I am BATMAN!!!"
"I don't give a f*ck..."
"BOY!!!" (to his sons, except Richard Grayson, who he called "DICK")
"Princess."(to his daughters, if he would ever have any)

Universe:Cosmo 1, Universe 1, Timeline-ABTMN c-137
Intelligence: S
Combat: S
Strength: D
Speed: D
Skills: S
Danger Level: S
Class: S


Courtesy of: Polygon

From: The Dark Knight, 2008

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