Chapter VI: Ivy

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Slade wakes up, tied in a chair.

Bruce stood before him.

Bruce: "Hello, Slade."

Slade: "Bruce! How nice of you to join me in my endeavor to destroy Gotham once and for all!"

Slade stares at Bruce, seeing he is a tad bit, different. 

"You bathed in the Lazarus Pit as well, I see?" said Slade, "When one bathes in the Lazarus Pit, they never truly change nor differ from before... The way they see the world, however, distorts, or widens. Then again, I'm just an asshole. You mad, Bruce? You mad that I let them kill Selena?"

Bruce grabs Slade by the throat.

"Why are you here?" asked Bruce, staring at the man, dead in the eye, as his fingers start to crackle the bones in his neck.

"You're still the same joke of a man that is Bruce Wayne. You may think you've changed completely, but you're still one and the same." said Slade.

"Hello, there." said Diana, as she stood beside Bruce.

"Princess of the Amazons. Diana Prince." he laughed, "A pleasure."

Diana nods. Bruce stares at Slade.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"Fine, then... An enemy of yours sent me to help bring Gotham to ruins. I don't know who he is, but he works with a man who calls himself the Riddler." he said, "The Riddler is someone who wants the Batman dead. I don't think they know that I know who you really are, however. It's kind of obvious though, to put two and two together. Of course Bruce Wayne is the Batman. The Riddler is calling Metas to hunt you down... They get paid and they get to kill you... Emphasis on the word, 'get'."

"What do these two people want with me?" asked Bruce.

"Bruce. Remember two years ago? Where you fought normal, everyday villains, all lead by an idiot in a Halloween costume, much like you?" he asked, "Well, Bruce. It's not that simple anymore. Metahumans. You know them, right? People with, extremely powerful supernatural abilities that enable them to do things a normal human couldn't. They've been hiding ever since the Watchmen destroyed that city or two. And now, they're back. Why? Probably because of you, Bruce. You proved that, if a normal, everyday human, could do just that, to so many people... That a mere human, could bring vigilantes out from the shadows, just like that... Maybe the Metahumans could do this as well. 30 years, Bruce... 30 Goddamned years, and now, Metas everywhere are coming out because of you. Your crusade for justice backfired. Now everyone wants to take down the Batman... And this one Kingpin, along with his trusty adviser, are calling Meta criminals that had been hiding in the shadows for years. Ivy, Croc, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Joker... so many Metas... Are coming to hunt you down and kill you. I personally don't want to kill you, Bruce... You're a good friend. I'm... Well... I was just doing my job. But they, however, want something more. They want to bring down the Batman."

Suddenly, Slade is brought down through an elevator his chair was on the entire time, descending him into a secret, underground prison for Metas. Slade laughs, as Bruce intently stared at Slade.


Prometheus opens his eyes...

Prometheus: It's time.


Bruce drinks a cup of coffee with Diana, as she read the paper. It's night time.

"Ivy, Croc, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Joker." he told himself.

"You emphasized 'Joker'... You know him?" asked Diana.

"Yes." said Bruce, "I beat him to near death two years ago. He went to an Asylum I helped build called Arkham Asylum, but broke out a few months ago. No activity from him since. It's as if he disappeared completely."

"Riddler?" asked Diana.

Bruce nods.

Suddenly, Eddie and Harvey enter the cafe.

"Ed! Harv!" laughed Bruce, as he hugs the two, "How are you two?"

"Fine, Bruce. You've gone mellow these past two years." said Harvey.

"I've grown, I guess." said Bruce.

Eddie laughs. "Bruce! You should tell us about your lady friend!" he laughed harder.

"Oh. She's just a friend. Guys, this is Diana Prince from Accounting. Diana, this is Edward Nigma, and Harvey Dent. My two best friends."

The two each shake her hand.

"A pleasure." said Eddie.

"'Sup." said Harvey.

"Nice to meet you." giggled Diana.

Bruce looks at Harvey. Harvey respectfully smiles and nods. Suddenly, all of their phones ring.

Harvey answers: "Right, right... Gotham Central Park? Got it."

Eddie answers: "Murder? Got it."

Bruce answers: *Pauses* "Okay."

Diana answers: "Okay."

Bruce to Diana, Diana to Bruce, Harvey to Eddie, and Eddie to Harvey: "Let's go."

Bruce becomes Batman as he wore his Bat Armor.

Diana with her armor.

Harvey took his guns.

Eddie took his pencil and notebook.

They then go to Gotham's Central Park. Strange, zombies in Police uniforms go around, eating people.

Then, the Batmobile reaches the front of the park, as people run away from the scene.

Batman walks out, along with Wonder Woman.

"So Wonder Woman." said Bruce, "What's the plan?"

"Observe the environment first?" asked Diana.

"Exactly." said Bruce.

The two charge as they beat undead policemen, however, they seem to be already dead, having no heartbeat, nor do they have brainwaves or heat signatures, at least according to Bruce's goggles.

"They're dead." said Diana, "I cans sense their souls... They're gone... permanently..."

"Destroy the bodies, then. We have no time to find a way to immobilize them." said Bruce.

The two slaughter the zombies, one by one, going for the heads. 

The two then enter the Greenhouse in the middle of the park... Hidden by vines.

The two enter the Greenhouse.

Batman: "A strange creature is in the premises."

Batman takes out micro-bat-nanites to search the area. Basically, microscopic germ-like robots with bat wings.

Wonder Woman: "Why does it always have to be Bat-Themed."

Bruce raises his shoulders.

The watch rings and tells Bruce the details.

Batman: "Metahuman Plant-Human Hybrid?"


Batman and Wonder Woman run into the room at the corner of the Greenhouse... There stood... A beautiful plant lady with red hair and eyes, and green skin with green leaves covering her body.





Her face had been kicked so hard that she is thrown across the room, knocking her out.


Batman: "What the hell are you doing here?"

Prometheus: You uh... need to meet someone outside.

Suddenly, sounds could be heard from outside of people screaming.

???: "Black Panther... I need you to come out right now!"

His eyes shine violet.

Prometheus: I wanna see something. He heh... Call it an experiment.

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