Earth 1's Forms of Energies and Mutations

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Hamon-The energy of the sun. Technically, anybody can be a Hamon User, but in European tradition, Grimms cannot be Hamon Users and Hamon Users cannot be Grimms, because doing so will make the User unlucky. Eastern Tradition does not follow such tradition. Only non-Monsters can use Hamon. Hamon is made to fatally injure Vampires and Zombies and injure Monsters and Cryptids. Waves can be formed when charging Hamon which can travel the damage through objects and creatures. Hamon can heal anyone, but overcharging Hamon can kill any creature, which is more fatal for Cryptids, particularly Vampires and Zombies. Hamon connects each and every organism in the world, but Hamon is more powerful in a family of Hamon Users.

Chi-An energy that works well with Hamon. Chi is energy from life while Hamon is energy from the sun. Fusing them together can make a human being more powerful. Joining these together will make the User a killing machine. Technically anyone can use Chi, even Cryptids and Monsters.

Spin-An energy that is based from Hamon, but using the waves to rotate an object. Doing so causes perfect rotation that defies and bends gravity. The object should be perfectly round.

Ki-An energy that is based from Chi. It is Chi when it leaves the body. When Chi leaves the body, it turns into tiny balls of energy that can be formed into any shape or form. It could be used for a weapon or for medical purposes. 

Note: Monsters cannot use any of these abilities.


Metahumans/Meta-animals-A species of humans and animals that evolved from normal Humans or animals through either artificial or natural means. If done artificially, the Human will become a Mutate. If done naturally, as the person evolves through extreme stress or fear, the Human will become a Mutant. Mutants and Mutates have several abilities regarding the Six Infinity Effects, Space, Time, Soul, Mind, Power and Reality. Each Mutant or Mutate has a family with the same kinds of abilities. Humans evolve this way only through native means, usually Terran Mutagen found in the blood of Earth's organisms and Earth's chemicals. The Old Gods used Mutants for their advantage as an army on Earth.

Stand-Users-A species of humans and animals that evolved from foreign means. Stand-Users gain either abilities, Avatars (Another person in spirit form that emerges from their body and acts as a "Guardian Angel" for the User's body), Object, Spirit Animal, etc. A Stand can be anything the User desires in a given situation, and usually protects its User. Some Stands are parasitic and kill their Users if the User is considered weak or pathetic. Stands are usually formed through chemicals or organisms from Alien origin that mutates the body of the Earth Organism. The Old Gods saw this and decided to stay away from making Stand Users, as Stand Users are considered too dangerous. They are usually more powerful than Metahumans, as Stands (If the Stand is not an ability and is an Avatar or Object the User can control) cannot be seen or touched by even Old Gods. Stands are usually mindless, and are completely under the control of the User as personal weapons. Other Stands have minds of their own and therefore tend to kill their users. The weakness of a Stand is that any damage on the User will damage the Stand, and vice versa (Unless the Stand is Parasitic or Independent). Stand-Users have various abilities, usually from the Infinity Effects. 

Basically a common Stand can be an ability/superpower, an object, an Avatar with a superpower or an animal with a superpower that protects the User. The user evolved through Alien chemicals or bacteria. You can gain a Stand via swallowing an Alien Rock, getting stabbed by an Alien rock-based Arrow or breathing in Alien chemicals .

Ex 1: Jotaro Kujo from Earth 5 has the Stand, Star Platinum, which is a bulky purple man that emerges from the user when the user is attacked or when the user attacks someone. He can stop time using his Stand. His Ancestor's body was stabbed by the Arrow, as he gained the Stand. Since his Ancestor was a Hamon User, the Hamon connected to each of the bodies of the relatives awakened their Stands and their abilities.

Ex 2: The Reaper from Earth Prime (This Earth) has the main Stand, Death, which is an ability that allows him to slow down time. He gained a Stand when an Alien rock fell to Earth as most people nearby inhaled the air with Alien chemicals.

Ex 3: Wolfbane from Earth Prime has the Stand, The Hierophant, which acts as Tentacles made of Ki that allows him to control any object he wishes to control. Monsters cannot use Ki, but his Stand allows him to do so. He gained a Stand when an Alien rock fell to Earth as most people nearby inhaled the air with Alien chemicals.

Basically, a common Metahuman has an ability or superpower. The user evolved through Native chemicals.

Ex 1: Barry Allen from Earth Prime has the Speed Force (Time) Connection, which allows him to move Super Speed. He was struck by lightning and fell into native chemicals. He is a mutate.

Ex 2: The Wolverine from Earth Prime gained a Mutant ability by being stressed when his father was killed. He has bone claws from each hand.

Ex 3: Wade Wilson, AKA Deadpool from Earth Prime gained a Mutant ability by being injected artificially with Mutagen derived from Wolverine's DNA.

Note: A Stand-User cannot be a Metahuman, and vice versa.

Creatures that could either be Stand Users or Metahumans as well.

Cryptids-A species of humans or animals that evolved from Humans or animals artificially through Animal Mutagen which were created by the Ancient Old Gods, a race of Aliens fighting over Earth in the "name of God" from Earth's chemicals. The mutagen, when touching a Human or Animal, makes the creature gain characteristics of other creatures in the Animal Kingdom, sometimes even the Plant and Fungi Kingdom. Cryptids are extremely dangerous, as they've evolved over 5000 years ago, and are therefore aware of Hamon-Users and Grimms.

Seers-A species of Humans that include Espers and Grimms.

Espers-A species of Humans with Psychic abilities, meant to aid Grimms and Hamon Users in battle.

Grimms-A species of Humans that can see what a Human cannot see, as their eyes can see in more wavelengths than any other creature in the Animal Kingdom. Grimms also have enhanced strength, speed and durability and enhanced senses. They are very dangerous creatures that are much like the Metahumans known as Superhumans.

(Loosely Based from the works of Hirohiko Araki, DC and Marvel Universes and Jim Kouf and David Greenwalt)

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