Harper Dark

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POV Charlotte:
Since Harper joined Roadtrip, I lived there. But now with all this drama and him sneaking out. I don't know what to do. People are thinking that this only affects Roadies but it isn't like that. All this drama effects me too. Cause since all this started I have had these bad thoughts. Mostly about myself. I know that I should speak about it. And I tried but 1. This isn't the right time and 2. Im being ignored anyway. Harper was always my go to person and now he is gone. I do text him everyday but it is different than before.

Text messages between Charlotte and Harper ( H: Harps, C: Char)

Char: Harper?

Harps: yes?

Char: when are you coming back

Harps: I don't know, why?

Char: just miss you..

Harps: there is more. Tell me.

Char: I can't do it over text or FaceTime

Harps: we will meet up tomorrow

Char: okay where?

Harps: maccies?

Char: I cant say no to that

POV Harper:

since the tekst messages between me and Charlotte I have been really worried about her. What could have been so bad that she can't say it over the Phone. And I know it is a bad idea to hang out with her cause of Coronavirus. But we will just keep distance. I decided to go to bed early, so that I can think and be on time.

It's now the next day and I'm waiting in maccies for Charlotte. I look around for a bit untill I see her walk in. She sees me and walks over and sits down. 'Hey.' 'Hey, tell me what's up cause I am kinda worried about you now.' 'Well with all this band drama going on. I have more time for myself which leads to overthinking. And it are not good thoughts Harps.' 'Do you think you will get back in that state?' 'I really hope not, but since you are not in the house there is a chance I might..' 'Oh god.. I really hope you don't.' Char has been in a really dark time where she had really dark thoughts. She tried to end her life. Thats why I dont want her to go back in that state. 'I will try my best to not go there. But you need to fix things with the boys. It will help me and the Roadies.' I nod 'I wil try for you. But i can't promise anything.'

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