Brooklyn Wyatt

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POV Becky:
I am with the boys and Brooklyns girlfriend at the park. The boys are filming a cover. I think it is Back To You from Selena Gomez. Brooks girlfriend doesn't like me. She always gives me evil glares. Brook doesn't see them because he wants us to get along. I am staring at Brook when he films his part. Suddenly his girlfriend Talia stands in my view. "Stop staring at MY boyfriend." I huff "You only use him for fame." She slaps me. Brook doesn't even notice. I walk away from the boys. In the corner of my eye i can see Talia smiling.

It's been awhile and i have been laying on the grass looking at the sky. Brook will never see me as i see him. I feel a body lay next to me. I look to my side and see Brook. "Hey." I smile. "Hey." He looks closer at me. "What is that on your cheek?" I sigh. "You wouldn't believe me." I say looking at him. "Just tell me." "Talia hit me for staring at you." He grins "You were staring at me?" I blush and nod. Brook leans in a little. My phone rings, I look at the caller and see that it's my mom. "Sorry i have to take this." I say to him. He nods and walks back to the boys.

"Hey mom, what's up?" I ask. My mom never calls me. "How is it going with Brook." I smile by hearing his name. "Well he is still with Talia but i think he is going to break up with her." "Oh okay i need to go honey, i will see you later. And keep me updated!!" I laugh and say bye to her.

I walk back to where the boys are. When Brook sees that i am back he walks up to me and kisses me. I kiss back. When we pull away i say "What about Talia?" "I broke up with her." I look shocked. "Why?" He smiles. "Because I love you." "I love you too." I say and kiss him again. The boys are cheering behind us.

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