Sonny Robertson

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You promised the world and I fell for it
I put you first and you adoredit

How could i trust Sonny. He said he wouldn't leave me. And here i am still crying over a break-up. He was my number one. I lost a few friends because i put him firts. And this is what i get in return. Nothing.

I saw the signs and i ignored it

I should have saw it coming. Sonny was acting different then before. But i was to in love with him to see it. I really wish i could turn back and prepare myself so that i wasn't as hurt as i am now.

You got off on the hurtin
When it wasn't yours

You told me that it hurted you as much as it hurted you. But i bet you are smiling with your friends. And believe when i say. I am not smiling with my friends. I am not even with my friends. You are living you're best life. You do what you want to do. And i have nothing.

I needed to lose you to love me

I never knew if you ever loved me in our relationship. But i do know you loved me when you left. And Sonny if that what it takes for you to love me. Then what were you doing the past year.

I gave my all and they all know it
You tore me down and now it's showing

They know i am not the same me anymore. And i think i never will. But it's alright. I am just me in another version. No worries. I hope the people who stayed with me like this version. And the reason why i am like this is because you were my everything. And i did evrything for you. And when you left. I left.

In two months you replaced us
Like it was easy
Made me think I deserved it

Two months later and i see you with another girl. I guess you moved on then. I'm not. I still cry about it. A little less than in the beginning but i still cry about you. And while i cry, you are having fun with your new girfriend. And that is what hurts the most.

And now the chapter is closed and done

I am finally over it. I can start a new life without Sonny. It took some time. But i am here. Back to being me. I can now see you in public without the feeling that i want to cry. Isn't that nice? I am glad to be back.

And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us

It's time i move on from Sonny. And that is what i am going to do. I don't know if it will go well, But you can't blame a girl for trying. I wish you the best Sonny. Love Lisanne.

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