Brooklyn Wyatt

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Dear diary... He cheated on me. After a total of two and a half years. He cheated on me. And i know it doesn't seem like a big deal. But it was. Brooklyn when you're reading this i know you are blaming yourself for this. I will tell you now. This isn't your fault. It is his fault. Because he cheated. And because of that i got depression. At first i took my anti-depression pills, but they weren't working. So i stopped taking them. He didn't leave my mind. It was like he lived there. It was scary. I began to have more and more suicidal thoughts. It is now to the point where i an writing you a goodbye letter. Don't cry too much. I will always be with you. In your heart. I want you to remember that i love you. Not as a best friend but as a lover. Goodbye. Brooklyn..

POV Brooklyn:
"I-i love you too" i am done reading the letter Chloe gave me. I wish i had checked on her. And i know she doesn't want me to think it is my fault. But i still do. And i know one day i will be with her. Just not know. The boys are trying their best to comfort me. Right now I am in my room. Crying my eyes out. There is a knock on the door. "Come in." I say. Jack walks in and sits next to me. "It will be alright." Jack says. I nod. "I know it will, but not right now." Jack says nothing and just comforts me.

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