Andy Fowler

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POV Andy:
It's always the same, he breaks her heart and the next day she runs back to him. He is a douchebag. But I won't stop her. I will comfort her. Because I love her. Today is one of those days. Emily is crying on my shoulder and telling me what he did. She tells me that he wanted to have sex with him but she said no and that he couldn't accept that. I sigh. "Emily your relationship isn't right." "I know" she sighs. We sit in silence and a few minutes later i hear her soft snores, what means that she's asleep.

I hear the door of my bedroom open when i am talking to Brooklyn. I stop my sentence and look at her. "What?" She asks. "Nothing, you just look beautiful" Emily blushes and walks to the kitchen. "Mate, just tell her!" Brook almost shouts to me. "Alright." I walk to the kitchen where Emily is and see that she is talking to someone on her phone. "But Brad.." she says. Oh Brad her boyfriend. When she hangs up she says to me "i have to go back.." and then she walks away to get her stuff.

When she is done with packing she hugs everybody including me. I walk with her to the door and before she goes i blurted out "i love you" Emily looks at me with shock then she looks me in the eye and says "I'm Sorry Andy." And with that she walks away. Out of my life.

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