Rye beaumont

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POV Ashley:
It's been two years since my best friend Thomas died in a car crash. Thomas was my everything. My bestie, my brother (not by blood) and my boyfriend. When I heard the news about him, I cried for days. I didn't eat. Two weeks later I finally accepted it and moved on. Because that is what Thomas wanted..

Now i am happy with my boyfriend Rye. We are living together and I'm pregnant! We don't know the gender yet, but Rye says that he has the perfect name if it is a boy. I am now 38 weeks and i want this baby out of me. I am still good friends with Andy, Jack, Sonny and Brooklyn. They come visit me almost everyday. Since i got pregnant Rye stopped with Roadtrip and so did the other boys.

It's the middle of the night when i feel something wet. Oh shit! It's happening. I wake up Rye and say that he needs to grab the hospital bag. He immediately is awake. We rush to the car and in the car i text: my family and the other boys. To let them know what is happening. When we get into the hospital we immediately get a room. Rye holds my hand and when another contractions comes I squeeze Rye's hand.

20 hours later and i am almost done the doctor says i need to push one more time and that is exactly what i did. A few moments later i hear a baby cry. "Its a boy!" I look at Rye. Because he has a name. The doctor places the baby in my hands and then Rye says "i wanted to name him Thomas." I get tears in my eyes and nod.

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