Rye Beaumont

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POV Emma:
Today it was me and my Boyfriends 2 years anniversary. I asked Rye if i could use his guitar to write a song for this day. I am now on my way to his house. When i get there one of his friends opens the door. "Hi Emma.." Thomas says with a guilty look in his eyes. I look at him confused but ignore it.

I walk to the stairs and hear soft moans. Probably just one of his friends, but when i get closer to his room the noises become louder. I open the door with tears in my eyes. I see my boyfriend and my SISTER having sex! Tears fall out of my eyes and i run away. I run and i run until I can't no more. I fall on my knees not knowing i am at the boys house. I just cry and cry. The door opens and Brooklyn comes outside. When he sees me he gives me a really big hug. I cry on Brooklyns shoulder. He is like a brother to me. When I was done crying Brooklyn takes me inside.

POV Rye:
Brooklyn comes back inside. But he is not alone. By his side walks Emma, her head down and not talking. I though she was going to her boyfriends house. Emma looks at me and then i see her red, puffy eyes. He cheated. That bastard! I have a massive crush on Emma and seeing her broken like this hurts me. I follow Emma and Brooklyn to Brooklyns room. Brooklyn leaves and says to me "take good care of her, he really hurt her." I nod and sat next to Emma.

She looks at me and i look at her. We don't say anything but we both slowly lean in. Our lips touch a little. I deepen the kiss. When we both need to breathe she looks at me again. "I like you Rye, no wait i love you. I know i just broke up with him but I don't care." She was rambling all stuff like that and to shut her up i just kissed her. When we pulled apart i said "i love you too Emma."

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