Chapter Thirty Five

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Today, Ceres would be going on her first date.

She was pretty nervous as she wasn't really sure as to what goes on during dates, but she was also curious and maybe even a little excited to go.

It had taken a lot of convincing on Lance's part. Ceres had asked Lance privately about going on the date and he was very opposed to it saying things like "I don't know his intentions" and "I am worried about you two being alone". Ceres had told him that she would be very careful and that if she didn't like anything in the slightest, then she would call him.

It still wasn't enough to convince Lance until Ceres had pulled the 'I never ask for anything' card and she could see his defense crumbling before her very eyes. Soon enough, he had agreed under the conditions that she didn't say a word about her whereabouts to Kade to which she had no problems agreeing on.

Diana had came over the night before and helped her pick out an outfit. While doing so, Diana complained about Ceres not having any dresses or skirts but Ceres reasoned with that it was winter and she would be cold with those on anyways.

Ceres wasn't even sure as to why Diana wanted to help her pick out an outfit, winter was still here and surely their coats would be on most of the time. But since she didn't want to be rude and refuse her help, Ceres kept quiet and let Diana do what she liked.

Diana had eventually picked out a blue blouse that had floral patterns decorating the hem. She had also chosen out a black pair of skinny jeans and told Ceres to wear any shoes she felt comfortable with.

Ceres looked over her self in the mirror. She didn't think she looked any different than normal other than the choice of cuter clothing. She had no idea she had this blouse at all, it was a hidden gem.

Ceres brushed some of the fringe that was starting to get into her eye behind her ear. Her hair had grown a bit since the cut and would occasionally get in the way.

Ceres' eyes fluttered to the small cute hair pin Kade had gotten her for her birthday that was sitting on her desk. Kade had explained that he noticed her bangs often got in her face at times so the clip would hold it back and even though it was small, she appreciated it very much.

Just like the many other gifts she had received for her birthday.

Lance had gotten her a medium sized turtle plush that she adored and kept it right next to her at night along with her original turtle plush. The others made remarks on how it was the first good gift he's ever gotten any of them to which Lance just glared at them and said he wouldn't get any of them gifts anymore if they continued to complain.

Roman had gotten her a couple of new movies and promised that on his day off they could watch them. Ceres was definitely looking forward to it, but she was a little worried since she wasn't sure if Roman was really the action movie type of guy.

Ares' gift to her was her money back inside a small birthday card and while she told him that just the card was enough, Kade had insisted that she take the money so she did.

Lucas' gift to her was these small sponge looking animals and he told her if she put them in water, they would grow. Ceres was quickly fascinated by it. He told her that it was a magic trick, and like the gullible girl she is, she believed him.

Max had painted her a portrait of herself and helped her hang it up in her room. When looking at it, Ceres was often filled with a warm feeling and she had even taken a picture of it and sent it to her friends. They were all surprised at how good of an artist Max is and Ceres had felt proud that her friends' recognized her brother's artistic talent.

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