Chapter Thirty One

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"Hey..." Lance said as he saw Roman approaching him. His hopes were never up that high but they lowered significantly once seeing the look that was on his younger brother's face. It was that of defeat and sadness.

"He still isn't coming out?" Lance asked and Roman sighed with a shake of his head.

"So I guess it's true then...Mom is really gone?" Roman asked and Lance nodded.

None of them had expected it, when they had woken up, their mother was gone. She had left them all a small note that said nothing but an apology and that she isn't happy nor was she ever and that she was leaving to be with the one person who had truly made her happy.

When finally realizing that their mother was gone, Kade had locked himself in his room. No one has been able to get him out, not even their father.

"I guess I'll try again" Lance said before turning to leave but Roman called out to him before he could.

"Please make sure he's okay...I don't know what I would do if I lost my brother too" Roman said and Lancelot nodded.

"I will never let that happen" Lance said before walking off to Kade's room.

As Lance got closer and closer, he could hear the faint sound of sobbing that only got louder the closer he got. Kade's crying had hit Lance with a wave of sadness like never before and he really didn't want to confirm the truth, but he knew he had to tell Kade.

"Kade?" Lance called out and the sobbing stopped almost instantly.

"If you aren't here to tell me that you found Mom...go away" he said and Lance sighed.

"Please let me in...everyone is worried about you" He said and Lance grew concerned when Kade was silent for a little too long.

"They shouldn't be...they need to find her..." Kade's voice sounded much closer and Lance assumed that he had come closer to the door.

"Kade, you aren't the only one who's hurting and you're certainly not the only one that lost Mom. I lost her, Dad lost her, we all lost her. You locking yourself in here isn't going to bring her back" Lance said and he flinched when Kade's fist had banged on the door.

"So what? Am I not allowed to be sad? Am I not allowed to be alone? Am I not allowed to miss her?" Kade's voice was dry and there were cracks in it here and there to which Lance's heart clenched at. What could he do to ease Kade's pain?

He had always been the one who was most attached to their mother as he was naturally with the rest of his family. He loved everyone so much that it hurt Lance to think that he was losing himself over their mother leaving.

"Kade, you know that's not what I'm saying" Lance said. Kade sniffled before answering again.

"I feel so cold...I can't feel her, I can't hear her, it's as if she was never here. This isn't fair...I just want my mom back" Lance heard the sound of the lock click and he quickly opened the door to see Kade holding himself.

His once bright green eyes were now dull and red, from all the crying no doubt. His chestnut hair was tousled from him running his hands through it so many times and Lance could see the slight scratches on his shoulders, probably from hugging himself too hard.

Kade looked miserable and Lance had no idea how to take this pain from him.

"Kade..." Lance said stepping into the room and it was like Kade couldn't hold himself together anymore as Lance caught him just before he crumbled to the floor.

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