Chapter Forty Two

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"Alright, everyone. Wakey, wakey, eggs and mother fuckin' bakey! We got a house to clean, let's go up and at em'!" I groaned when hearing the loud sound of pots clanging together mixed with Ares' loud voice.

"I know you're not serious right now!" I heard Max yell.

I looked over at the time and saw that it was just barely 7 in the morning and frowned. Couldn't he wait until later? I groaned and put my pillow over my head as I heard the sound of Ares' shouting get louder.

"Good morning my beautiful kiddo that I love so dearly. It's time for you to wake up" I heard Ares say as the door opened and for a split second, I considered playing dead.

"If you don't wake up, I'll send in reinforcements" Ares said and I turned my head to look at him and he was just smiling at me but there was a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Why are you waking us up so early...?" I grumbled as I tried to keep my eyes open but I continued to find myself falling in to the temptation known as sleep.

"We are doing some spring cleaning!" He cheered and for a second I thought I was having that dream again where all my brothers were acting weird. Cleaning and Ares didn't sound like something that would go in the same sentence.

I'd expect this from Kade if anything or even Roman. Not Ares.

"Are you alright...?" I asked, hoping that this was a dream that I was going to wake up from in about a couple seconds.

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Now seriously, get up or else I will bring Kade in here" He said with a wink before leaving and I just frowned.

I gave a short yawn as I stumbled out of bed. I was still pretty tired but I tried to stop thinking about it as I went to go brush my teeth.

"Come on Maxi, just because you're 18 now doesn't mean you get to skip out on chores" I heard Kade say as I passed by Max's room.

Max's birthday was a couple days ago and he insisted that we do nothing for his birthday. He isn't a fan of birthday parties and stuff like that and would much rather spend his time as normal. Papa and Lance made a video call to wish him a happy birthday which he was very happy about.

As for his birthday presents, it was basically just a new haul of art supplies from everyone but I gave Max a plush of a fish that I thought resembled him.

He didn't agree but he accepted it nonetheless.

Speaking of plushies, my room seemed to be overflowing with them now. It was more of my doing since I tend to purchase a lot of them online (online shopping is amazing), but my brothers would also every now and then add to my collection.

I had nearly tripped over one the other day. Maybe Ares was right, it is time for some spring cleaning.

After brushing my teeth, I went downstairs and saw Kade and Ares standing like drill sergeants while the others were just sitting on the couch looking tired out of their minds. I took a seat next to Roman who was basically asleep as he leaned his head back on the couch.

"Okay, so we have the Kitchen, Dining, Living, Laundry, Bath, Dad's study, the attic, and all of our own rooms to clean. We will split up in pairs to make this more faster" Ares explained.

"This is gonna take all fucking day" Max grumbled.

Kade ignored Max's comment and had begun to explain what everyone was going to be doing.

"Max and Ceres, you guys can take the Dining, Living, Dad's Study, as well as your own rooms"

"Roman and I will take the Kitchen, Laundry, Dad's room and our rooms"

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