Chapter Twenty Nine

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I was a little surprised when I walked into the classroom today and didn't see Diana at her desk. She was usually always one of the first ones here and it was so strange not to see that grin on her face as she waved me over excitedly first thing in the morning.

When hearing a snicker, it didn't take long for me to learn that I wasn't the only one who noticed Diana's absence.

"Aw, the little teacher's pet isn't here today"

"What happened to her?"

"Who cares? It'd be better if she never showed that pitiful dog face of hers around here again"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing right now. They had no business saying those things about Diana, especially when she wasn't here to defend herself. How could they talk about like that when they didn't even know her?

I didn't realize I was staring, no scratch that, full on glaring at those girls until one of them made eye contact with me.

"Can I help you mute freak?" She asked snarkily and I found myself not even bothered by her insult because I was still angry at what they had said about Diana.

"You don't know her, therefore you have no right to speak about her as if you do so I would appreciate it if you didn't" I said and the girl next to her rose a perfectly plucked eyebrow.

"We don't know her? Everyone knows she's a little suck up who kisses the teachers asses for better grades and that's why no one likes her" she said and I just frowned.

"Your jealousy is disgusting" I said and they both looked at me in surprise.

"J-Jealous?! Of that dog? Don't make me laugh!" The first girl said but she was the farthest thing from someone who was about to have a laugh.

"You must be, that can be the only reason as to why you're so quick to comment on her absence. Especially since you don't like her" I said and the girl's lips thinned at my words.

Seeing that the two no longer had any more words to retort, I went to my desk.

Once sitting, I could finally feel the nerves in my body flying all over the place and my heart was just about two seconds away from exploding. I wasn't good at confrontation, at all, but I just couldn't let those girls keep talking about Diana like that. My body had reacted before I could even realize it, it was like an innate reaction.

It bothered me that they could so easily spew words like that without even thinking of how the person they were talking about was feeling. They didn't even know what could be going on in her life, yet they showed no remorse. I could recall each and every time where my old classmates would talk about me, talk about how my Mama was a whore and my Papa was a deadbeat. Talk about how I was just a mistake that they were burdened with.

It was truly sickening.

I never stood up for myself because back then I always thought, what was the point? I had believed it at the time to be true and continued to let them talk without saying a word. To the ones who said those things, or to anyone else. I kept everything I had ever wanted to say them, all to myself.

But what those girls were saying about Diana wasn't true at all. She worked and studied hard to get the grades she had. She wasn't someone who took the easy way out of things which is why I admired her so much.

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