Chapter Twenty Eight

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This morning, I was awoken by the unexpected sound of one of my brother's screaming.

It was like a fire alarm the way they continued to scream and while I thought it was Kade at first, the voice was just a little too deep to belong to him.

I got out of bed and walked out into the hallway to see Roman standing in front of Ares' door and Kade was peeking his own head out of his room.

"Ares, we've talked about this before. Use your big boy words" Roman said and Kade had moved from his room to peek into Ares' room to see what he was freaking out over. I too wanted to see but my brothers were currently blocking me.

"Hell no!" Ares yelled and I could see from the gap in between Roman and Kade, Ares throwing his pillow at something.

"Oh fuck, why did I do that?! Where did it go?!" Ares yelled as he looked around frantically.

"You barbarian what are you yelling at?" Kade asked as he finally moved over so that I could see clearly.

"There's a fucking spider in here and I don't know where the fuck it went!" Ares yelled.

This picture in front of me was actually a little funny to me and I don't think it should have been. Ares was still dressed in his sweats and white tank, his covers were half on the bed half off and he only had one pillow left in his hand for protection as the rest of them were scattered around the room. His lamp was also knocked down which made his room look even messier.

"Oh jeez, you're so dramatic" Kade said with a shake of his head.

"I'm fucking dramatic? How would you fucking react if you wake up to a spider crawling on your arm, huh? Am I still dramatic now?!" Ares exclaimed but he didn't wait for an answer as he was already sidetracked by the supposed spider in the room.

"Fuck! It's probably gone to go get it's friends and eat us!" Ares said and with that Roman and Kade just left back to their rooms as they deemed the situation not serious enough for their attention.

"Don't worry. It's gotta be in here somewhere. I'll stay with you until it comes out" I said as I walked into the room and began to pick up the pillows Ares' had thrown.

"Kiddo, don't do that! It might be hiding under one of those! Don't worry about me, just save yourself!" Ares said and I just let out a small chuckle at his dramatic behavior.

I wasn't necessarily afraid of bugs or anything. They were pretty common to see where I used to live since we lived in a pretty woodsy area. If anything, I found some of them pretty cute.

Maybe I was the weird one?

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something crawling and Ares' loud gasp just confirmed that we were looking at the same thing.

I walked over to the spider and before it could scurry out of my sight, I picked it up and quickly put it out the window that was open. This window being open is probably how the little guy got in here in the first place.

After the spider was out, I closed Ares' window and turned back to Ares who was just watching me with his mouth dropped.

"'re not normal" he said and I frowned.

"What are you talking about...?" I asked and Ares jumped from off his bed.

"You weren't afraid that it was gonna bite you? We don't know if that thing was poisonous or not" He said and I shrugged.

"It seemed to be scaring you more than anything so I just wanted to get rid of it" I said and Ares sighed.

"You worrying about me makes me undeniably happy but please be more aware of the dangers to yourself. What you did was very brave but reckless at the same time" Ares said and I tilted my head.

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