PART 2: Chapter Eleven

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"Are you guys ready to go?" Lance called as he waited downstairs for the rest of his brothers. Ceres was already at the school and expecting them to be there soon.

"Yeah, we're ready. Ares was taking forever with his hair for whatever reason" Lucas said as he walked over to the two with Ares following behind him.

"I think I need a hair cut..." Ares commented as he looked at the stray hairs that were starting to get in the way of his eyes.

"Hair cut? Someone your age should feel lucky they still have hair to cut. It's gonna stop growing after a while, y'know?" Max said and Ares glared at the younger male.

"Little fucking brat, quit acting like I'm 40 and balding!!" Ares exclaimed but Max just snickered and walked out the door.

The four of them got in the car and headed off towards the open house. Upon arrival, the brothers could already see a bunch of middle schoolers running around and checking out all the things the school had planned for them.

Some of the middle schoolers were even harassing a couple of the upperclassmen into giving them free things as well.

"Ugh...I don't miss this shit hole" Max muttered while looking around the school. He had been forced to be apart of the art committee whenever it came to the open house and while he enjoyed the aspect of designing, he hated the people he had to do it with.

Kade and Roman had met up with them a couple minutes later and the guys started to make their way towards Ceres' class with Max as their guide.

"...'Onesie Cafe?'" Lucas read aloud.

The concept was exactly like Lucas had read. The staff of the café were all dressed in different onesies while taking orders from customers and serving them.

"It's like a pajama party" Ares said with a chuckle.

"Hi! Welcome to the onesie café! A table for six?" A boy wearing a unicorn onesie had approached the group and Lance nodded towards him.

After he had led the group to their table (which was just a bunch of desks pushed together), he informed them that their server would be with them in a short while.

"This place is lively" Roman commented as he looked around.

"Ah, it reminds me of my high school days" Ares sighed as a sense of nostalgia washed over him.

"The days of you fooling around and being a brat? Yeah, I remember them too" Lance said and Ares just stuck his tongue out childishly.

"Hey you guys" Ceres said waving as she came up to her brothers. The girl was wearing a new turtle onesie and in her hand was a notepad and pen.

"You're so adorable!! I swear I might die" Kade cried as he snapped a few photos for his family album.

"Nasty..." Max muttered.

"It seems like you're not the only one who thinks that" Lucas said as he nudged his head at two boys at another table who were staring at Ceres in awe. Lucas could already tell that they were also captured by the oblivious girl's beauty. Like Kade once said, Ceres did happen to be a dude magnet at times.

Kade's head turned in their direction so fast his brothers swore that he would do a 360° if possible.

"What the fuck are you staring at?" Kade asked with a glare and he made sure that each of his words were laced with just the right amount of malice. His threatening words worked almost immediately as the two boys turned their heads back to their menus.

"Kade, please don't scare our customers" Ceres said with a sigh.

"I didn't scare them!" Kade said as he turned back to his family with a pout on his face.

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