Chapter Eight

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Another Monday, means once again gathering up the energy to make it through the week. I reluctantly put my clothes on before slipping on my shoes and heading downstairs.

When I walked in, only Max and Roman were down here.

"Oh, Ceres, can you do me a favor and go wake Kade up? Max won't do it" Roman said with an added glare towards Max who just rolled his eyes. I nodded, not thinking much about the request and just walked back up the stairs to Kade's room.

I knocked on the door but got no response, so I tried knocking again. The answer didn't change. I opened the door and with the light flooding into Kade's room from the hallway, I could see that he was turned away from the door probably still asleep.

"Kade...?" I said as I walked up to him. The light snore coming from him was confirmation that he was still asleep. I tapped his shoulder while saying his name once more but he still wouldn't wake up.

"Kade" I said a little louder while now actually shaking him but again he still wasn't waking up. If it weren't for his snoring, I would think he was dead.

The sound of a groan slipping from Kade made me relieved as I could take it as him somewhat waking up but what I didn't foresee was me being pulled into the bed and Kade cuddling me tightly to his chest.

"K-Kade...? You're supposed to get up, not bring me to bed with you...." I said while pushing at his chest.

"Hmm, is that so?" He grumbled. I couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep. I was at a loss for what to do until I remembered what Max had told me the other day. One of the best ways to wake up any of my brothers, but I wasn't allowed to do it to him.

I pinched his nose and used my other hand to cover his mouth and within seconds Kadence was up and gasping for air.

"H-Honey? Why'd you do something so cruel?" He panted out.

"Max told me to" I said bluntly and at my response Kade chuckled darkly.

"Is that so? Well, thank you for coming to wake me up but next time a simple pat or shake will do" he said and I frowned.

I had tapped him, shook him, and even thought about pinching him but he just wouldn't wake up. Deciding to just leave it alone, I left Kade's room and headed back downstairs so that I could eat breakfast.

Once we were finished, Kade dropped us off at school and when I walked into the classroom, I saw that I was the first one there. It didn't bother me, it just meant that I got to sit in my seat and go on about my business without the eyes of others watching me.

While waiting for class to start, I had taken up to just looking out the window at all the snow that still had yet to melt away. It still shined all sparkly and pretty underneath the sun but of course, there were some parts where the snow was black from dirt. It made me sad to see it but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Good morning!" I jumped in my seat at the loud voice that greeted me and turned to see...Diablo..? No...Diana? Yeah, that's her name.

Everyday since our encounter, she's stuck to me like glue and I had no idea why. I didn't engage in conversation with her nor did I even acknowledge her presence at times but it seems that it didn't matter to her. I guess I've become accustomed in a way to her overwhelmingly loud personality, but that didn't mean I liked being around it.

Seeing that even if I didn't greet her she would continue on as if I did, I just turned my attention back to the sparkly snow, hoping she would get the message that I didn't want to talk to her.

The rest of the school day went by relatively slow and by the time school was out, I was more than ready to head out but just as I was turning to leave my desk, I had bumped into someone and the things in their hands went flying.

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