Chapter Forty Three

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Kade had noticed that there was something different about Ceres. It was a small change but since they lived with each other and saw one another every day, Kade was able to spot it immediately.

"Honey...I think you're getting taller" Kade said as he could now clearly see that Ceres was indeed taller as she stood next to Max in the kitchen.

"Really?" Ceres asked. She was never one to pay attention to small things such as height so she was surprised when Kade mentioned it.

"Yeah, you're almost as tall as Max" Roman said as he gave it a closer look. Ceres' shoulder was now up to Max's bicep.

"Well, Max isn't very tall to begin with" Ares said with a snicker and Max's eyebrow twitched as he glared at Ares.

"I'm average height for a male thank you very little. Assholes" Max grumbled.

"Your hair is also getting long again. You're growing so fast that it's hard to keep up" Kade said with a sniffle and Roman scoffed.

"It's because I keep her on a healthy diet. You fools just scarf down whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it" he said and Ares chuckled.

Just then Lucas had rounded the corner and when he saw everyone in the kitchen, he just looked at Ares.

"I'm ready" he said and Ares nodded before moving over to Lucas.

The two thought they would be able to make a clean getaway, but that wasn't the case as Roman called out to the them as they stood in the doorway.

" two going somewhere together is unusual" Roman said as he eyed the duo.

"Yeah...just need to get something from the store and I can't drive y'know?" Ares said.

"I thought for sure Lucas would make you walk it" Roman said with a short laugh.

"What can I say? I'm feeling generous today" Lucas said with a shrug. Roman nodded.

"Well, I won't keep you" He said and the two nodded before turning to leave.

"Oh wait a minute" Roman said and the two froze, wondering what their older brother could possibly want.

"Can you guys pick up some stuff for me? I would go to the store but my deadline is crunching down on me" he said.

"Yeah sure, just text it to me" Lucas said and the two rushed out of the door before Roman could say anything else.

Roman watched the two leave with a confused look on his face.

"Thank you...?"

Once the two were on the road, Ares found himself unable to stay still as he shook his leg nervously.

"Why are you so nervous? We're the only ones who knows what we're about to buy" Lucas said as he glanced over at Ares who was sitting in the passenger seat looking like he was about to shit himself.

"I don't know. Lance always finds about these kinds of things and I really don't need an angry Lance on my ass" He said and Lucas sighed.

"I personally think you're worrying over nothing. As long as you remember what the globe looks like, we'll be fine. Wait, you do know what it looks like right?" Lucas said as he came to a stop at a stop light.

Ares just gave him a shaky grin.

"Y-Yeah...?" He said and Lucas groaned.

This was already not going well.

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