PART 2: Chapter Ten

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The dinner was for the most part very awkward for Hayden. He had no idea of the previous argument that had went down so when he saw Kade glaring at Ares the entire dinner, he felt as if maybe he should say something but at the same time didn't know what to say.

The others seemed not to care as Kade stabbed at his chicken, probably imagining it as Ares' face, and said man looked as if he was about to drop a load in his pants.

Hayden glanced over at Ceres who was eating normally and he decided that he too should try to enjoy the food. It was very good after all.

"So Hayden, any plans for after high school? Are you going to college?" Arthur asked as he looked at the boy across from him.

"Yeah, I do plan too" Hayden said and Arthur hummed in approval.

"Do you have anything specific you want to major in?" He asked and Hayden shook his head.

"I'm not really sure, I thought I could just take a liberal arts course and figure it out" Hayden answered truthfully. He hoped that his answer wouldn't make Ceres' father disappointed since he would most likely want his daughter to be dating someone who has their life together.

Something Hayden didn't exactly have at the moment.

"Well, you're still young. You have plenty of time to think of what it is that you really want to do. All of my sons have majored in different things, I'm sure you can ask any of them for some advice as to what theirs entailed" Arthur said and at the mention of them, the guys turned to their father.

Ceres had given a quick explanation as to what her brothers took up in college. Lance majored in Business Management, Roman took up writing and literature, Ares had decided on Psychology, Kade surprisingly went for engineering, Lucas went for biology to make his way to the medical department, and Max obviously took up arts for his painting.

"Yeah but you might wanna ask Ares first since it doesn't seem like he has much time left" Max snickered and Ares rolled his eyes.

Hayden couldn't help but let out a smile at the two.

It wasn't easy at first to get them to like him, if he was being honest he felt that they still didn't really like him, but he was grateful that they were willing to talk with him and help him.

He was grateful that Ceres' family was very understanding and he made a promise to himself that he would do his best to work hard so that their advice didn't go to waste.

~ Next Day at School ~

"AAH!! WHAT IS THAT?!!! A CORPSE??!!" Diana screeched upon entering their class. She had stumbled upon a dead body slumped over the desk that was usually occupied by Ross.

Ceres and Hayden looked over at the body and Ceres turned back to Diana.

"This is not a corpse. It's a Ross" She said bluntly as if Ross were an item on sell.

"" Ross muttered things that the trio could barely hear. His eyes were bloodshot and bags dropped heavily from underneath them. His hair was also frazzled and his clothes were wrinkled.

"I don't understand, you've never studied this hard before" Diana said as she observed Ross' appearance.

"Carter is what happened" Fred said from behind the group, effectively scaring Diana at his sudden appearance.

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