Chapter Fourteen

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"Hey kiddo, I see you're feeling much better" I said upon seeing Ceres coming downstairs. She had just a little bit more energy than she's had these past couple of days and I was glad to see that she was back on her feet.

"Yes" she said nodding with a small smile.

"Well, since you are, you can come with me to the store" I said and Ceres tilted her head.

"What are we getting?" She asked and I leaned in while gesturing for her to lean in as well so she did.

"It's Roman's birthday tomorrow so we gotta pick up some stuff" I whispered and Ceres made an 'o' shape with her lips before nodding.

"Hurry and get dressed, okay?" I said and Ceres nodded before going back up to her room.

"You call that whispering?" I jumped at the sudden voice, not expecting it. I turned to see Max who was covered in paint. He had his brushes in hand and seemed to be going to the sink.

"You scared the shit out of me. I thought you were Roman" I said while clutching my imaginary pearls for emphasis. Max rolled his eyes and headed into the kitchen.

"Can't you use the sink upstairs?" I asked following him and Max shook his head.

"Lance got mad at me cause the paint left a stain. Told me to use the kitchen one" he said and I nodded.

"So, whatcha painting this year?" I asked and Max gave me a slight smirk.

"It's a surprise for a reason. If I told you, then he'd know before the day is done" he said and I glared. Cheeky little bastard.

The sound of footsteps caught my attention and I turned to see Ceres dressed and ready to go with something that looked like a piggy bank in her arms.

"I'm ready" she said and I nodded.

"See ya" I said giving Max a short wave and he nodded while continuing to wash his brushes.

"So, what's with the piggy bank kiddo?" I asked as we walked down the somewhat empty streets. Ceres was holding it firmly as if she were afraid to drop it.

"I want to buy Roman a present" She said turning her head up a little towards me. I couldn't help but smile at her words.

Aw, she's using her saved up coins to get Roman a present. That was so nice of her.

"And how much do you have saved up?" I asked curiously and Ceres shrugged.

"Last time I counted, it was $250" she said and my eyes widened.

I was expecting her to say $20 at most, not $250!

"Where the hell did you get that from kiddo?" I asked and Ceres tilted her head at my question.

"Allowance from Papa" she said simply and I nodded. Dad cut all of us off from allowances at sixteen so Ceres was lucky. Hope she enjoys it while it lasts.

When we finally got into town, the streets started getting crowded so I told Ceres to hold my hand but as we got closer to the mall the streets got even more crowded which was a huge pain.

My license not being suspended would be so nice right about now.

When I felt Ceres letting go of my hand I turned only to see her far away from me on the ground and some man glaring at her.

"Watch where the fuck you're going" He shouted and I started pushing through people to get back to Ceres as she went to pick up her piggy bank.

Ceres muttered something and she tried to move away but the man gripped her wrist. What the hell is wrong with this guy? She's a kid!

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