Chapter Forty Six

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"Max, you have to wake up or we're going to miss your ceremony!"

"...what?" Max grumbled as he cracked open an eye. He looked at the clock on his nightstand and frowned when seeing the time on the clock.

"Kade..." Max said lowly and Kade tilted his head.

"Yes?" Kade asked.

"It's six in the fucking morning, the only thing you're going to be missing is a few teeth if you don't let me go back to sleep right now" Max said while throwing a tired glare at Kade who just shook his head.

"You have to get up right now! I refuse to let you be late for one of the most important moments in your life" Kade said and Max just groaned.

"Alright. I understand, now get out" Max said and Kade said a quick 'thank you' before leaving out of the room.

"Most important moment of my life...yeah fucking right..." Max grumbled before throwing his covers over his head and going back to sleep.

~ An hour later ~


Ceres was startled awake by the sudden sound of one of her brothers screaming. She looked over to her clock and saw that it was almost seven thirty which means it was time for her to get up anyways.

Ceres walked out of her room in search of the source of the scream only to see Kade with wide eyes standing in the doorway of Max's room.

"Why are you still asleep?!" Kade cried as he ran into the room and started shaking Max but it was as if Max was dead as he slept through Kade's constant shaking.

"I swear, he better start counting his fucking days..." Ceres turned her head and saw Ares coming out of his room with disheveled bed head and an irritated look on his face.

"The ceremony isn't until 9, what the hell are you stressing about?!" Max yelled.

"I don't want you taking forever, c'mon now. Get up!" Kade said and Ceres saw that Max was now sitting up and glaring at Kade.

"I swear it's as if Kade is the one graduating" Roman said as he also came out of his room with a yawn.

The rest of their morning was filled with complaints from Kade. First it was his hair not staying the way he wanted it to, and then he thought his suit was too wrinkled, now Kade was busy trying to catch some photos with Max.

"Ceres, you ready?" Lucas asked as he came into his sister's room and his eyes widened a little when seeing her.

Ceres was dressed in a simple white dress with floral patterns on the bottom and she had some flats to compliment the dress. She was wearing her friendship bracelet on her wrist as well as the pin Kade had bought her for her birthday in her hair. Her hair was slightly curled at the ends and thanks to the pin, it stayed out of her face.

"You look beautiful" Lucas said with a smile and Ceres cheeks reddened.

"R-Really? This is my first time wearing something so...dressy?" Ceres stuttered out. She was still looking at herself in the mirror, unsure if the dress looked alright on her.

"Of course you do. I'm sure the others will think the same" Lucas said and Ceres gave him a small smile.

"Thank you. You look nice as well" she said. Lucas himself was wearing a regular black suit although he hated wearing suits since it got hot a little too quickly for his liking but since it was a special occasion, he would deal with it.

"Thanks. Let's head down before Kade blows a short in his fuse" He said and the two headed downstairs.

The first one to notice the two was Ares and he let out a whistle when seeing Ceres.

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