Chapter Forty Four

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This morning, it was eerily tense.

The reason being that Lance seemed to be upset. About what? I have no idea but with the way he was stabbing the poor eggs on his plate said it all.

"So, Honey, are you ready for your race today?" Kade asked as he tried to take away from the fact that there was a huge elephant in the room.

Today was Field Day and all of us had decided that instead of doing different things, we'd just participate in the baton pass. I for one really didn't want to but since my participation was being considered for a final grade, I had no choice in the matter.

"No...I really don't want to" I said in between bites of my food.

"Yeah, I don't understand why they make us do this every year" Max said. To my knowledge, Max was going to be competing in the treasure hunt since he said it was the easiest.

"What are you complaining about? This is your last year doing it. Shouldn't you feel sad about it?" Roman asked.

"Sad? Why the hell would I feel sad? If anything, I'll be glad when I graduate from that jail facility" Max said.

"Hmm, how about this? If you win, I'll get you a prize" Kade said and Max frowned.

"What? You're gonna give me a wallet sized photo of you?" Max asked and when Kade went silent, Max just looked at him in disgust.

"You can keep your prize" Max grumbled.

Once everyone was finished eating, Lance spoke up.

"Lucas, Ares. Do you mind if we speak?" Lance asked and the strained tone in his voice had immediately alerted the two.

I just looked on curiously as they all left the room. I guess they had something to do with the reason why Lance was upset.


As the two were walking behind Lance, Ares and Lucas' eyes met and they began having their mind conversation again.

'What do you think he wants?' - Ares

'I don't did put it back in the same spot, right?' - Lucas

'Yes, I even made sure it looked perfect' - Ares

Lucas averted his eyes once they reached Lance's room, effectively ending their conversation.

"Do you guys...notice anything different? There's like, this off feeling but I just can't put my finger on it. I was hoping you two could help me figure it out" Lance said as he leaned up against his desk, purposely next to the snow globe, and crossed his arms.

Lucas could already tell by the look in Lance's eyes and his obvious words, that he had found out and he was about to surrender but Ares beat him to it.

"Okay, when we were cleaning I accidentally broke the snow globe but I totally didn't mean to, it just kind of fell off the desk? And instead of telling you we bought a new one and hoped you wouldn't notice and I'm really, really, really, sorry!" Ares said in one breath and Lucas just groaned.

Lance rose an eyebrow at Ares' "forced confession".

"So, instead of just telling me right out, which I promise you I would have appreciated more, you thought it would be a good idea to replace it?" Lance said and Ares gave a shaky nod.

"Well, you are right. That was a good idea, too bad you forgot to take the price tag off, hmm?" Lance said as held up the globe and showed them the bottom of it.

Lucas looked at Ares with a look that said 'you fucking idiot' and Ares just groaned at his stupidity. How hard was it to remember to take the price tag off?

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