Chapter Eighteen

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"Oh wow, wow, wow! Ceres, you look amazing!" Diana said upon seeing me for the first time since I've cut my hair. I blushed profusely at her energetic compliment but muttered a thanks to her.

A sense of warmth washed over me knowing that Diana liked it and I couldn't help but silently thank her as well. She had no idea how much it meant to me that she liked my haircut.

"What made you want to cut it?" Diana asked as we walked to the lockers. I tried not to let it show on my face that I didn't really want to answer that question.

"It was too long" I said simply. It wasn't the full truth but what comforted me was that it wasn't a lie.

She nodded and we both separated to go to our lockers. I struggled for a brief moment when trying to spin in the combination correctly, I was always bad at remembering which ways to turn the lock. Once I opened the locker, I was surprised to see something fall out of it.

I didn't keep loose papers in my locker since it looked untidy and I mainly just placed my books in there. I bent down to pick up what had fell out of my locker and to add on more to my surprise, it was an envelope with my name written on it in neat cursive.

The bell suddenly ringing made me forget about the envelope momentarily as I was now late for class. I quickly placed it in my bag before shutting my locker and heading to class.

I didn't get many chances to open the letter with me not wanting to open it during class, or when I was eating lunch so I had to wait until I got home to finally open it.

But even then, I was preoccupied with my brothers antics as per usual.

"Where the hell is Lucas?! I'm going to kill him!" Max yelled as he stormed into the living room holding his boot up the air. We all looked at him in confusion as he seethed in his spot.

"Why?" Lucas said as he peeked his head out from the kitchen, not really bothered by Max's enraged self.

"Why, you ask? I was getting ready to put my boots on and when I put one on, I got fucking stabbed!" He exclaimed.

Lucas frowned at Max before speaking.

"Maybe if you cleaned your room random things wouldn't be living in your shoes" Lucas said and Kade snickered while Max didn't seem to find Lucas' comment funny at all.

"It wasn't some random fucking thing you jackass, it's your stupid rock!" Max said as he turned his boot downwards and a rock fell out.

Lucas' eyes seemed to brighten with recognition as he picked up the rock and inspected it.

"Oh, I was looking for this everywhere. Thanks" Lucas said before putting the rock in his pocket and retreating back into the kitchen. Max just watched with his jaw dropped.

"Did he really just do that?" Max asked before following after Lucas, probably to continue his argument.

I swear these guys never stop fighting...

Deciding that I've seen enough, I headed up to my room and dropped my bag on my bed before taking out the letter.

I looked at my name in cursive and once again, my curiosity spiked. Who was this letter from? I don't know anyone other than Diana and while her handwriting is neat, I don't think she writes in cursive. Or feels the need to slip a letter into my locker when she could just talk to me.

I opened the envelope and read the letter that was inside.

'Dear, Ceres

Thank you for your help the other day. You were the first person to ever show such kindness to me, and you have no idea how much that means to me. That's all I wanted to tell you, sorry if I startled you by leaving this letter in your locker.

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