Q & A

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Andromeda_: Welcome everyone to the first ever Q & A of this book! Today we are here to answer the questions that you guys have so kindly asked! Here with me, is the Spencer siblings, say hello everyone

Lance: It is nice to meet everyone

Kade: Hello my adoring fans! Much love to everyone~

Max: ...nasty...nice to meet you guys, I guess

Roman: *sighs* Hello everyone

Ares: What Kade said is a load of bullsh*t. I'm everyone's favorite!

Andromeda_: Ares...this is a Q & A, you can't curse here

Ares: Ah sh*t...oops my bad

Lucas: *stomach growls* Can we hurry up and get this over with? I'm hungry

Ceres: Hello...

Andromeda_: Okay, now that you all have more or less made your presence known, let's get down to business shall we?

Question #1: Will Ceres get a love story in the future?

Ceres: Love story...?

Kade: W-Why on earth would someone ever want to read that?! I already said that none of my siblings are allowed to date!

Ares: But Roman has a boyfriend...

Roman: Please don't throw me under the bus like that *facepalms*

Kade: Who? That pretty boy? Yeah, I got rid of him

Everyone: WHAT?

Andromeda_: He is just joking, there is no way that I would ever allow that to happen

Kade: I would never joke about something like that

Andromeda_: Anyways...it is very possible for it to happen but as of right now, I haven't been making an attempt to start on it

Kade: And you can't if I break your hands, right? *smiles*

Andromeda_: *Laughs nervously* Next question!

Question #2: When did Roman realize he liked Alain?

Roman: I don't think there was a clear moment when I realized it. I feel like with all the time we had spent together, I had realized little by little how attached I had grown to him.

Ares: But wasn't he a weirdo when you two first met?

Kade: Yes, from what I hear he creeped you out a little...

Roman: Yes, the first time we met was a little off putting. Believe it or not, that was his horrible attempt at flirting. He apologized and revealed to me later that he wasn't good at flirting and didn't mean to come off weird.
I find it ironic that someone who could write in such a sophisticated manner is extremely bad at something like flirting. It's endearing in a way but I told him to never do it again...I'm rambling aren't I?

Kade: *mumbles*

Lance: Kade, stop that right now

Kade: What? I didn't do anything...

Lance: I know that look. Get over yourself

*Kade crosses his arms and huffs*

Andromeda_: Well, it seems we are in need of a question change so, next!

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