Chapter 10

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Devyn POV

Billy gladly took the water and medicine, he mumbled a quiet thank you. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Already knowing who it was so I didn't turn around. "Can we talk?" He asked.

"Whatever." I was my only reply. Asshole and the boy who warned Mr. Pervert, Mike walked out of the room. I turned around with my arms folded across my chest. 

"Can we sit down?" Cole asked.

"I'm fine standing, thanks." I told him. 

"Okay then," He began "Last night, it wasn't what it looked like." He informed me.

"Oh really? Then what was it?!" I demanded for an answer.

"Can you just listen to me!" He yelled standing up from the couch.

"No you fucking kissed me, then went on to the next girl! I don't want to be hurt again by some idiotic boy who can't keep it in his pants!" I yelled "If you're playing a game, then I don't want to be any part of it!" 

"I'm not playing a game!" He yelled back.

"Then what are you doing?!" I questioned.

"I'm- Oh God- Why do you have to be so stubborn!" He groaned in frustration "Just listen to me. Please?" He asked me softly.

"Sure!" I plopped myself down on a chair.

"I didn't kiss her." He stated, I scoffed "If you would've stayed for one more second you would have seen me push her off!" 

"I'm confused." I said truthfully.

"What's there to be confused about?" He asked wanting to know what was wrong.

"I don't know who I like more." I stated not looking at him. His eyes widened.

"Listen I just want you to be happy," He tried his best to get out the words "Even if it's not with me."

"Thank you." I pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back.


A couple hours later

We were all sitting down on the couch my head on Baylee's lap, Cole's sister. And my legs on Cole's. 

"You guys want some popcorn?" I asked. They all nodded their heads eagerly. 

I hopped off the couch to go make some popcorn "I'll be right back. No one take my spot!" I looked at Mike, the other guy who warned Mr. Pervert about touching me.

"Make it extra buttery!" Baylee yelled everyone groaned in annoyance and began protesting "Oh, deal with it you big babies!" She yelled at all the boys in the room and they all stopped whining but they all mumbled some colorful words under their breath. 

The doorbell rung I heard Baylee yell "I'll get it!" I chuckled at her enthusiasm.

Baylee POV

"I'll get it!" I yelled before anyone could answer it. Devyn chuckled from the kitchen.

"Hello?" I opened the door to see a gorgeous boy around my age.

"Hi!" He said "Is Devyn here?" 

"Who's asking?" I wanted to know his name.

"Ravana." He answered "Tell her I really need to talk to her." 

I looked at him suspiciously "Wait here." He nodded before I closed the door.

I walked into the kitchen and said casually "A guy named Ravana is here for you."

She instantly tensed shaking her head "No, no, no!" And she dropped the glass bowl filled with popcorn that she was just about to take out to the living room. It shattered once it hit the ground.

I looked down and saw glass pieces stuck in her bare feet "Oh my God! Are you okay!?"

She continued shaking her head like she didn't feel the pain in her feet and kept repeating "No, no, no!" 

Cole and Billy rushed into the room, their eyes flickered to her feet "What happened?!" They said insync.

"I don't know I just told a guy was here to see her." I started picking up the glass from the floor. 

She cried louder her voice was shaky "No, no, no!!! How did he find me!"

"How did who find you?" I approached her, she took a step back.

"Who's the guy." Cole asked.

"His name's Ravana." I told him my voice slightly worried.

Billy clenched his fists and his teeth gritted he began stomping towards the door. Devyn cried even louder and she ran over the glass pieces to get to Billy. "Billy, don't he'll kill you!" She grabbed a hold of him. Cole and I looked at each other confused.

Billy turned around "After what he did to you, no I can't just stand by." He began walking away again.

She ran and stood in front of the door "Asshole, please, I can't lose anyone else because of him." She shook her head tears falling down her cheeks. Billy hugged her tightly then moved her out of the way. She sobbed and tried to stop him from opening the door. But he did, and when he did a gun was held up to his head instantly. 

"Hello again." Ravana's smile was sinister.

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