Chapter 2

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Devyn POV (Derek above)

I was in the farthest corner of the van watching each of the men seeing if they would try anything. I looked down at my hands that were restrained. I wasn't paying attention the man next to me touched my leg.

 I slapped his hand off of me with "Back off, pervert!" I growled. 

He smirked "Feisty, I like it!" 

"Dude, you're not supposed to touch her unless she tries anything." One of the other men said. 

"You need to lighten up!" He shrugged clearly not taking his bosses warning seriously. 

"You're digging your own grave." The same one who warned him said.

The guy touched my leg again and began slowly traveling up. "Dodge." He looked at me confused. Then I backhanded him. He removed his hand from my leg and put it on his cheek that I had just slapped. And the next thing he did was unexpected. He raised his hand that was in a fist and punched me. My head flew and hit the side of the van. I touched my forehead and felt a sticky liquid, blood. 

I laughed. They all looked at me with confused looks on their faces. "You are so fired!" I continued to laugh before collecting blood and saliva in my mouth to spit at him. I spit at him and it hit his face. The other guys started to laugh along with me.

"Bullseye!" I chuckled. Then I began feeling dizzy when the car stopped. Feeling the spot where my head hit the side of the van. Blood was going down the whole right side of my face. 

Two guys dragged me out of the van so I wouldn't escape. I had my whole body go limp my feet dragged on the ground, since I had no choice to go in or not I was going to make it hard for everyone here. 

"You know you have legs for a reason!" One of the men grunted carrying me.

"You know this is basically kidnap but that didn't seem to stop you!" I smiled sweetly at him.

I could see him roll his and mutter "Bitch!" 

"Asshole!" I replied with the same smile on my face. 

I heard him chuckle. "Ya'know I think we're gonna be friends!" I told him in a matter of fact tone. 

"Oh really? What makes you think that?" He raised his eyebrows and looked down at me.

"I mean we already have nicknames for each other, you're Asshole and I'm Bitch! So therefore you are my only friend here!" I informed him then asked "What's your name?" 

"Billy." He smiled down at me.

"Devyn." I told him. "I would shake your hand right now, but I'm kinda tied up at the moment."

He laughed. We entered the mansion. I looked at it in complete awe. "This is a beautiful house you guys have here!" I say to all of them.

I thought I would be nice so I started walking instead of dragging my feet on the ground. They walked further into the mansion and stopped when they came to a certain door. One of them knocked. I heard a muffled "Come in." And the let me go and shoved me into what looked like an office. I tripped over one of the men's feet and fell to the floor.

They laughed "Douche bags!" I mumbled just enough for them to hear. Starting to feel dizzy again I felt the blood oozing out of the wound on my forehead.

"Hey!" I heard Billy's voice yell. 

"Oh sorry! Douche bags, and Asshole!" I corrected myself.

"Can someone please help her off the ground." I think the man who said 'come in' told them all.

The perverted guy who I slapped said "No, I'm kinda enjoying the view." I could feel the stupid smirk on his stupid face that I wanted to slap again so badly.

"Hey Asshole, help me off the ground!" I demanded using his nickname.

"Anything you say Bitch!" He used my nickname, I smiled as he helped me off the ground.

"Thanks, Asshole!" I added the last part patting his chest and turning around to see the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my entire life. 

"I'm not feeling to well." My vision began to blur as I held my head cause it felt like the room was spinning.

"Who the hell did this to her!" The gorgeous man said standing up from his chair making his way over to me

When no one answered I spoke up pointing at the guy who punched me "The guy with spit and blood on his face." The beautiful man studied the six men in the room. And his eyes landed on Mr. Pervert. 

My legs gave out and I was falling to the ground but was caught by a pair of strong arms. And then there was only black.

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