Chapter 11

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Devyn POV

Asshole opened the door anyway after all of my pleads. A gun was held up to his forehead seconds after he opened the door. "Hello again." He said with an evil smile on his face. Ravana undid the safety on the gun.

"Ya'know, I kinda liked you, too bad I'll have to kill you. You know that 'No witnesses' rule!" He chuckled.

"You bastard!" I couldn't help the tears from falling down my cheeks "How did you find me?" I asked wanting to know the answer.

"Eh, I wrote down your license plate number then hacked the traffic cameras." He said like it was no big deal. Ravana cocked the gun and was just about to shoot when I pushed Billy out of the way, instead the bullet went over my head and I heard something that was glass break. 

"Devyn!" I heard Baylee call out to me.

"Wrong move!" Ravana kicked my stomach, knocking the air out of me.

"Wrong move!" Billy said tackling Ravana knocking the gun out of his hand. I grabbed the gun off the floor and pointed it at Ravana when someone grabbed it out of my hands. I turned to see Jacob holding the gun.

"Jacob, why?" I asked hurt that he helped Ravana do this to me.

"Because you loved him, instead of me!" He pointed at Ravana "You were supposed to love me!" He pointed at himself.

"I'm sorry, just put down the gun and we can start over." I reached out to him waiting for him to put it down.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." He pointed the gun at me. 

"Jacob, this is not you! You're better then this!" I told him.

"If you think that is true, then you know nothing about me." He pointed the gun aimlessly across the room. "Let's see, which one of your boyfriends should I kill first?" 

"I'll go with you, just please leave them alone!" I begged. 

"I honestly thought that would take longer than that to convince you... so what I'm gonna do, is hurt one of them, and I'm gonna make you watch. Mkay?" He said casually.

"You can kill me just leave them alone!" I yelled walking up to him not caring how much my feet hurt at the moment.

"Kiss me!"

"Excuse me?"

"Kiss me, like you would kiss him!" He pointed at Cole I looked at Cole and he shook his head no. I walked closer to Jacob and he smirked evilly. I closed my eyes and smashed my lips into his. I tried not to pull away in disgust.

He tried sticking his tongue in my mouth but I refused, he pulled away with an upset look on his face and pointed his gun at Cole "Do it, or lover boy dies!" I cried and nodded. He began kissing me again and this time he stuck his tongue in my mouth. He had a bad case of morning breath. I tried not to retract my tongue from his mouth.

My eyes were open and I watched him drop the gun on the floor and placed his hand on my cheek. I looked at Cole then at the gun. Cole nodded his head and grabbed the gun from the ground and put it on Jacob's temple.

"Move!" Cole demanded Jacob. Jacob removed his lips from mine and glared at me, backing away slowly. 

"You will pay for this." Jacob looked at me.

"Leave, and take your little buddy with you." Cole demanded as I looked over at Ravana who had just flipped Billy over and was now the one punching him. Jacob dragged Ravana off of Billy. Everyone here now had a gun but Ravana and Jacob were way out numbered.

"Leave!" Cole demanded them again. 

Ravana put his hands up in surrender and looked at me. Our eyes met and he looked at me like I was some kind of object that was stolen from him and he wanted it back.

"See you later sweetheart." He winked at me.

"Don't count on it!" Billy stood up. And with that they left. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I walked up to Billy, he smiled and went to hug me. I slapped him "What the hell were you thinking?!" Cole snickered in the background. Then I hugged Billy "Asshole."

He laughed and hugged me back "Bitch."

I let him go and hugged Baylee, "I'm so happy your okay." I told her.

Then I went to Cole "Thank you, I don't know what I would do if my lips were on his any longer?" I shivered in disgust.

"You're welcome." He laughed. I let go of go and smiled at him and suddenly my feet weren't touching the ground anymore. 

"Let's get you cleaned up!" Cole carried me into the kitchen bridal style and set me down on the counter.

"Yeah your feet look pretty bad." Baylee stated.

They all started picking glass out of my feet, I moaned in pain "Save those noises when we're in bed." Asshole said smirking. I slapped the side of his head.

"Bitch!" He said sticking his tongue out at me.

"Asshole!" He chuckled when I used his nickname.

They used alcohol wipes and cleaned my feet "Ow!" I groaned in pain.

"Sorry!" Baylee apologized. They wrapped my feet in gauze and coban. 

"We should head to the hospital." Cole suggested.

"Yeah, probably." Billy picked me up from the counter and carried me bridal style to the car.

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