Chapter 5

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Devyn POV

I slammed the door shut but he stopped it with his foot. "Go away!" I tried shoving the door closed. But he pried it open. "Go away!" I yelled at him again.

"Hear me out!" Emmett grunted pushing the door open fully.

"How did you even find me?" I sighed in defeat.

"Derek told me." He shrugged.

I bit my lip to keep from yelling at him. "Derek doesn't know what you did, does he?" Emmett shook his head no.

"What did he do?" I heard Mr. Gorgeous ask.

"Nothing." I gritted my teeth not turning around to face him.

"Who are you?" Mr. Gorgeous asked another question.

"Her boyfriend." Emmett squared up to him since Mr. Gorgeous is about five inches taller than Emmett.

"Ex-boyfriend." I corrected him.

"Well technically you neither of us broke it off." Emmett smirked like he was the smartest person in the world right now.

"Well I think it's kinda self-explanatory when you slept with my best friend for God only knows how long?!" I yelled at him in anger.

"What's wrong?" I heard Billy walk down the stairs.

"Who are you?" Asshole asked the same question that Mr. Gorgeous asked moments ago.

I glared at Emmett. "Get out!"

"All I wanted to do was apologize and ask for another chance, but clearly you already moved on." He motioned to Mr. Gorgeous.

"Then maybe you should leave." My fists were clenched.

Something made Emmett's eyes widen. He grabbed my head "What happened?" Emmett studied the wound on my forehead.

"Oh so now you care if I'm okay?!" I pushed him off of me "Emmett just leave." I said quietly.

Emmett had the same hurt look on his face that he had two days ago when he gave me back my bag. Emmett nodded and turned around to leave he was walking away when he stopped and said "I'm sorry." Instead of answering him all I did was shut the door and walk to the kitchen counter and sat down at the same stool I was in before.

"What did he do?" Asshole asked.

"He cheated on me with my best friend." I answer plainly not wanting to shed any more tears because of that dick.

"That douche, you want me to go beat him up?" Asshole asked.

"No, I've already got that covered." I said holding up my phone and texted my brother telling him what happened.

"Who are you texting?" Mr. Gorgeous asked out of curiosity.

"Derek." Was my only reply.

"Ooooh! Who's Derek?!" Billy said like a teenage girl. Mr. Gorgeous instantly tensed for some reason.

"My brother, why?" Mr. Gorgeous relaxed.

"I was thinking that he was like your best friend that you had a crush on." Asshole said kind of disappointed. I laughed.

"I'm taking you shopping tomorrow, okay." I turned around to see a girl who looked like Cole told entering the room. She must be Cole's little sister, Baylee.

I groaned "Do I have to!"

"Yes, you do. And we need to get you a different bra cause honey, purple ain't your color." She laughed looking at my chest. Wait, how did she- wait this is a white shirt and dark colors can be seen under it.

"You dick you gave me a white shirt on purpose!" I threw the closest thing I could find and threw it at him. Which was a frozen pancake that Asshole got from the freezer after Emmett left.

"What can I say, I liked what I saw." I growled at him.

"I swear to God that if you weren't the person that provides food for me, you would be dead at this very instant!" I threatened pointing at him.

"You don't have the guts." He leaned his head forward.

I raised me eyebrows and leaned my head forward also "You wanna bet?"


~The next day~

I woke up on the couch this time except with a blanket over me. My clothes arrived yesterday so I decided to change into something decent caused I, as Baylee says 'I desperately needed a change of style.' Her words not mine. I went through one of the boxes of clothes searching for my favorite cropped yellow sweatshirt that said 'LAZY' on it and below that it said 'Sour cream & onion'.

I took of the white shirt he lent me yesterday and put on my my yellow lazy shirt and took off his sweatpants swapping for my light blue jeans. But me being me, I tripped over the jeans that I was still putting on. (Outfit above).

"Ow." I said quietly. When I got back up I finished putting in my leggings. And turned around seeing a peaceful Mr. Gorgeous. Wait I completely forgot about him, he could've woken up at any moment and seen me half naked again!

"Wake up!" I yelled. Is this really how I have to wake you up every morning? I went over to the bedside where he was at and I opened my mouth to scream.

"Don't even think about it." Mr. Gorgeous covered my mouth with his hand.

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