Chapter 1

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Devyn POV (Avery above)

I ran upstairs to splash my face with cold water which helped my face to become less red from crying.

"Are you sure you're okay?" My sister knocked on the door. 

"No." Was my only reply. 

"Dinner's ready!" My mother sang.

I opened the bathroom door, getting ready to go down and eat. Once I started walking downstairs I heard my mother and father whispering something to Avery and my twin brother, Derek. He looked completely crushed and stunned at the thing he was just told. 

"What are ya'll talking about?" I skipped to the kitchen pretending nothing was wrong. Derek ran up to me and wrapped his arms around protectively. 

"I will not let them take her!" He yelled at my parents. I was so confused. 

"What the hell is going on!" I asked Derek. He looked down at me, his eyes were watering and Avery was on the ground crying. There was a knock at the door. Derek's grip got tighter around me. Avery bounced off the ground and ran up to me and stood in front of my protectively.

"That must be them." My mothers smile was sad and full of guilt.

"What's going on here!" I screamed wanting to know the answer. 

"We owed some bad people money, and then they saw a picture of you and said that they would take you instead." My father said.

"And you agreed!" I yelled in anger.

"Yes." My father said plainly.

My blood was boiling, first my boyfriend cheating on me and now someone perverted guy bought me! I don't think so! I pushed Derek and Avery out of my way ran up to my room, locked the door. I used on of my chairs and barricaded my door then went to my bathroom locked the door and sat in the farthest corner of the room. 

Rocking myself back and forth, this can't be happening! This can't be happening! This has to be a dream! I told myself.

I heard the downstairs door being opened and my mother telling them that I had trapped myself in my room. Then I heard my window slide open. Shit! I forgot to lock my window! I grabbed the nearest thing which was a toilet scrubber when I heard the door handle jiggle. 

"I know you're in there." A voice said. 

Terrified I tried to back myself further into the wall. There was a loud bang and the next thing I knew my bathroom door was on the ground and a man in all black approached me. "I will hurt you!" I pointed to toilet brush at him.

"Ooooh! I'm sooo scared!" He said in his best girly voice.

I turned the toilet brush around so I was holding the scrubby part and the plastic part was pointed at him. The man took a step forward. That's when I did it... I slapped him, with the plastic end of the brush. 

"Wrong move." He said taking another step forward with a fairly large red mark on his face. I gulped. He grabbed the end of the brush pointed at him and yanked it forward causing me to trip forward. The guy grabbed me by the hair and dragged me out of the bathroom. He removed the chair from its place before opening the door and dragging me down the stairs by my hair. 

"Let me go!" I screeched as he dragged me out of the house. And quickly removed his hand from my hair to my arm.

"Mom! Dad!" I screamed right before they shut the front door so they couldn't see me.

I looked over and saw my sister on the ground crying and my brother being held back by two of the men in black. Tears streaming down his face. Derek stopped moving in defeat knowing that he wasn't going to get past all of the men in black. The men let him go and he sat on the ground next to my sister.

Somehow I slipped out of the mans grip. I immediately ran to my siblings and wrapped my arms around both of them. They hugged me tight not wanting to let me go.

"I love you guys!" I cried right before I was ripped out of their arms and thrown into the back of a van. I heard my brother and sister yelling after the van started moving.

"Goodbye." I cried silently.

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