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Devyn POV

I limped to his room as fast as I could to see if was true, tears were clouding my vision but I didn't care. I didn't want to believe it, I couldn't. I love him. He can't be gone! "Devyn you can't go in there!" Billy grabbed my arm.

I shrugged his arm off once I reached room 22, my heart sank. I saw Cole's face right before they zipped up the black body bag.

I screamed falling to the floor. 

Billy came down to my level and opened his mouth saying something to me but I couldn't hear him. I couldn't hear anything around me. All I heard was the sound was my heart beat, but his wasn't, this made me cry harder. I picked myself from the floor and walked into the room trying to not let anymore of my tears spill from my eyes.

"Open the bag." I demanded before they walked out of the room.

They stayed silent looking at each other unsure.

"I said open the bag!" I demanded a little bit more harshly this time. They obeyed and opened the bag only showing his face. I couldn't help but let out a sob when I saw his pale skin. His lips were a slight shade of blue and his eyes were closed with showing his long eyelashes. 

"Devyn?" I heard Billy's voice but didn't answer.

"Devyn!" He said loudly.

"Go away!" I demanded them.

"Ms. We have to take him down to the morgue." They told me softly.

"He's not dead!" I barked.

"Ms.-" He started.

"No! He's not dead, okay!" I yelled.

"Devyn you're in shock-"

"No, don't tell me what I am! This is a dream and when I wake up he'll be there waiting for me!" I told them.

"Devyn," Billy's voice trailed off.

They tried to take Cole away from me "No!" I shouted pulling the gurney back. 

"We need a sedative!" One of them yelled. It took three doctors to hold me down and the stuck a needle in my arm and everything felt dreamy and then everything went black.


Three weeks later

I woke up to a knock at the door I didn't move or say anything, a person opened the door "Hey!" I heard Baylee's voice. She came over to the side of the bed and swapped the full plate of dinner with a full plate of breakfast. I rolled over not facing the food.

 "Dev, c'mon! You have to eat." She rubbed my back soothingly.

I didn't answer her.

"Dev!" She said sternly "You can't just sit in Cole's room and isolate yourself from everyone!"

"Watch me!" I growled.

"Devyn, I worry about you. So does everyone else. You haven't eaten anything but an apple here and there in three weeks. You've only gotten up to eat and go to the bathroom and then you go right back to bed."

"I fine." I lied.

"No, you're not!" She told me.

"Yes, I am!" I yelled at her sitting up. 

"You're not taking care of yourself. I mean, when's the last time you had a shower?" She raised her eyebrows.

I didn't answer and went back to laying in bed.

"Exactly my point. Now go take a shower and then I'll leave you alone for the rest of the day." She negotiated.

"Fine." I caved swinging my legs off the side of the bed.

She was about to walk out of my room when she told me in a sad voice "Don't forget, the funeral is tomorrow."

I focused my attention on the ground.

Once she left my room I grabbed a pair of his sweatpants and one of his concert t-shirts setting them on his bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water and stripped from my clothes and I hopped in the shower.

"Why couldn't it be me?" I looked up. 

"Why?" I cried silently. After about thirty minutes I turned off the water and wrapped a warm towel around my body.

I saw Billy sitting on Cole's bed "Hey." He forced a smile.

"Hi?" I asked grabbing the clothes that were next to him and walked back into the bathroom to change. After I was done I walked back out and saw Billy in the same spot with his head in his hands like he was thinking hard about something.

Then he noticed me in the room "Can we talk?" He asked removing his head from his hands.

"Sure." I said my voice dull. I walked over to the bed sitting next to Cole.

"I can't watch you do this to yourself." He looked at me sadness laced in his voice.

"What exactly am I doing to myself?" I asked.

"I can't watch you slowly kill yourself." He was getting teary eyed. "I love you too much to just sit by and see you drowned in yourself."

"Then don't." I whispered.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" He grabbed my shoulders looking me in my eyes.

"It's my fault he died." I told him tears falling down my cheeks.

"No it's not." He forced me to look at him.

"He was trying to protect me, he wouldn't have gotten shot if I didn't try and drive back to your house." I cried.

"You were driving back to our house? Why?" 

"Because my mother and father never cared for me. Hell, when they found out their daughter was being tortured they basically sat by and watched for a whole year. A whole year I was gone being hurt by the person I loved. The person I thought loved me." 

"What happened?" He asked looking in my eyes staring into my soul.

"Ravana," I didn't know where to start "He was my first boyfriend. He was my first love. And I thought he loved me too. Ravana was sweet, caring, thoughtful at the beginning of our relationship, but he slowly turned. He became abusive towards me. He hit, yelled and did other stuff to hurt me physically and mentally until I was broken." I said, Billy clenched his fists.

"He kidnapped me, took me to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere. Ravana tortured me, how many he whipped me was countless. He told me how much he loved me then told me how worthless I was and how no one would ever love like he does. When I escaped I found out he was black mailing them to get my parents to pay to get me back." I was sobbing at this point. 

"Then I met Emmett, he helped me build confidence again, he made me feel loved. Then when he cheated on me I felt broken again and no one would help me pick up the pieces. And I met you and Cole.. You guys helped me more than ever. I felt like me again. Then he died and I just can't anymore, everyone who helps me pick up my broken pieces leaves me. I don't want you to leave me too!" I cried into his chest.

Billy grabbed my shoulders and made me look him in the eye "I will never leave you. You hear me?" I smiled. He leaned towards me "I love you?" Our lips inches apart.

"I don't want you to be my rebound." I sniffed looking away from him.

He put a hand on my chin and looked in my eyes "I'll wait for you." 

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