Chapter 17

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Billy 'Asshole' POV

Cole ran in the direction of Devyn, gunshots were being fired at him we covered his back as best we could but one bullet was shot at his leg. He immediately fell to the ground. Cole had the look of pure rage on his face he stormed towards the boy took his gun then hit him with it. The boy fell to the floor passed out.

My eyes turned to Ravana and he held a gun that was pointed at Cole. "Ravana no!" He shot the gun. It hit Billy right in the middle of his back.

He screamed in pain "Cole!" I reached out for him. First Devyn now Cole. I would not let anymore people I love die because of this sick bastard. 

Ravana chuckled "Bullseye."

"I swear to God that I will kill you if it's the last thing I do." I warned pointing a gun at his head.

"You've gone soft, Billy." He told me "You don't have the guts."

I shot his kneecap. He howled in pain "That's for Devyn!" 

He stood up trying not to show weakness putting most his weight on his good leg.

I shot his other kneecap. "That's for Cole!" He fell to the ground moaning in pain but got right back up standing on his knees.

I shot his a bullet right between the eyes "And that's for me!" 

I rushed to Cole seeing that he wasn't breathing, I cried "Cole? I swear to God if you're joking, I will kill you!" I pushed him gently.

"Cole! Wake up!!!" I screamed. I put my head on his back crying. 

"I need you." I said barely a whisper "Devyn needs you. So if you're not gonna wake up for me, wake up for her!" I screamed at his limp body.

Checking his pulse, I cried louder. My only family was dead. I turned him around so he was on his back and began CPR. 

"Wake up!" I started doing chest compression's.

"Wake up!" I yelled inhaling air, plugging his nose, tilting the head back then did the breathing cycle.

"Wake up!" I checked his pulse again. 


I let out a shaky breath and ran over to Devyn. I checked her pulse first, it was faint but it was still there. Most of Ravana's men fled once he died. "Help me get Cole and Devyn into the car!" I demanded.

I carried Devyn bridal style to the van we came in and I got in the back setting her in my lap I stroked her hair "It's gonna be okay." I breathed heavily. 

I rested my forehead on hers "It'll be okay." I said once again after they put Cole into the van too.

And we drove to the hospital.


I watched outside the room as they put the defibrillator on Cole's chest. I turned away not wanting to see his pale skin as they sent electric waves to shock his heart back to it's normal rhythm. I heard the machine stop and the nurses saying "Let's call it." 

I rubbed a hand over my face thinking about how to tell Devyn. She'll be crushed. I made my way to her room not wanting to see his body again only to break down and cry.

I entered her room to see her talking to a doctor about her injuries. Her arm was in a cast holding her fingers together so they couldn't move. Devyn's face lit up when she saw me walk into the room.

"Asshole come over here and give me a hug!" She demanded. I half smiled pretending like everything was okay. I hugged her tightly not wanting to let her go.

"Where's that Mr. Goregous?!" She asked pulling away from me and looking around for him.

My face dropped "He- he..." I couldn't get the words out.

"He- he, what?" She asked confused.

"He didn't make it out." I finally choked up.

The look on her face broke my heart. She screamed in anger and hurt "You're lying!" 

I shook my head no.

Tears streamed down her face and she shook her head and yelled at me "If this is some kind of fucking joke, it's not funny! Where's Cole!"

"Room 22." I told her, trying my best to keep it together and not cry. 

She jumped out of bed and limped as fast as she could to the room I told her he was in "Devyn, wait, you can't go in there!" I grabbed her wrist.

She shrugged my hand off and finally reached her destination. I looked into the room and saw a black body bag being zipped up. Devyn fell to the floor. "No! No! No!!!" She screamed.

"Devyn, I," I bent down not knowing what to say to her.

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